Nils Carlsson
Showing 19 publications
Enzymes Immobilized in Mesoporous Silica: a Physical-Chemical Perspective
Monitoring the Kinetics of Enzyme Immobilization into Mesoporous Silica by Real Time Fluorescence
A method to measure pH inside mesoporous particles using protein-bound SNARF1 fluorescent probe
Spectroscopic studies of biomolecules confined in self-assembled nanostructures
Spectroscopic characterization of Coomassie blue and its binding to amyloid fibrils
Spectral Properties and Orientation of Voltage-Sensitive Dyes in Lipid Membranes
Implications of light scattering and secondary structure in protein concentration determination
Immobilization of feruloyl esterases in mesoporous silica
Direct probing of ion pair formation using a symmetric triangulenium dye
Feruloyl esterases for biosynthesis in mesoporous silica
Immobilization of feruloyl esterases in mesoporous silica
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