Graham Kemp

Showing 35 publications
Redefining urban digital twins for the federated data spaces ecosystem: A perspective
Computational protein modelling based on limited sets of constraints
Standardizing radiation oncology data for future modelling of side effects after radiation therapy
Identification of protein binding surfaces using surface triplet propensities
Deriving binding site signatures in MHC Class II molecules, using a novel algorithm
An analytical solution for finding voids and bottlenecks within macromolecules
STP: A Program to Predict Protein Binding Surfaces
Predicting functional upstream open reading frames in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Uniform Query Processing in a Federation of RDFS and Relational Resources
An Ontology-Based Approach to Car Simulation and Design
A Functional Data Model Approach to Querying RDF/RDFS Data
Using mRNA Secondary Structure Predictions Improves Recognition of Known Yeast Functional uORFs
Using surface patch profiles to predict protein-protein binding surfaces
Using long fragments to reconstruct RNA backbones
Using Inductive Logic Programming to Predict Functional Upstream Open Reading Frames in Yeast
PROPHECY—a yeast phenome database, update 2006
Capturing Quantified Constraints in FOL, Through Interaction with a Relationship Graph
A First Step towards Learning which uORFs Regulate Gene Expression
PROPHECY - a database for high-resolution phenomics
Using the Functional Data Model to Store and Query Recursive Biological Data
Models of Database Interconnectivity
Predicting peptide interactions with model class II MHC structures
Pathway and Protein Interaction Data: from XML to FDM Database
An Expressive Functional Data Model and Query Language for Bioinformatics Data Integration
Optimisation Strategies for Functional Queries in a Distributed Environment
P/FDM Mediator for a Bioinformatics Database Federation
Architecture of a mediator for a bioinformatics database federation
Modelling Biological Data in Hierarchies
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Showing 2 research projects