Felix Sanchez Klose

Showing 4 publications


The Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin LecB modulates intracellular reactive oxygen species production in human neutrophils

Felix Sanchez Klose, Agnes Dahlstrand Rudin, Linda Bergqvist et al
European Journal of Immunology. Vol. 54 (2)
Journal article

Developing cultured meat scaffolds of extruded vegetable-based proteins

Annika Krona, Felix Klose, Julie Gold et al
Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society. Vol. 25, p. 311-313
Paper in proceeding

Correlating network structure with functional properties of capillary alginate gels for muscle fiber formation

E. Schuster, Patric Wallin, Felix Klose et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 72, p. 210-218
Journal article

Developing cultured meat scaffolds of extruded vegetable-based scaffolds

Annika Krona, Felix Klose, Julie Gold et al
Proc. 11th Annual European Rheology Conference, Copenhagen, p. PO62-106
Conference poster

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