Magda Nyström

Showing 12 publications


Hyperbolic contraction measuring systems for extensional flow

Magda Nyström, H. R. T. Jahromi, Mats Stading et al
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. Vol. 21 (3), p. 455-479
Journal article

Effect of shear vs. extensional flow during swallowing

Mats Stading, Muhammad Waqas, Magda Nyström et al
Annual Transactions - The Nordic Rheology Society. Vol. 23, p. 63-65
Paper in proceeding

Edible Boger fluid and its rheology at human physiological conditions

Muhammad Waqas, Magda Nyström, Olle Ekberg et al
Annual Transactions - The Nordic Rheology Society. Vol. 23, p. 195-198
Paper in proceeding

Effects of rheological factors on perceived ease of swallowing

Magda Nyström, Muhammad Waqas, M. Bülow et al
Applied Rheology. Vol. 25 (6), p. Art. no. 63876-
Journal article

Extensional rheometry through hyperbolic contraction

Magda Nyström
Doctoral thesis

Model fluids for safe swallowing: A rheological perspective

Muhammad Waqas, Magda Nyström, Margareta Bulow et al
Transactions Nordic Rheology Society. Vol. 22, p. 41-43
Paper in proceeding

Foaming of protein melts

Mats Stading, Helene Andersson, Magda Nyström
Proc XVIth International Congress an Rheology
Paper in proceeding

Numerical simulations of Boger fluids through different contraction configurations for the development of a measuring system for extensional viscosity

Magda Nyström, H. R. T. Jahromi, Mats Stading et al
Rheologica Acta. Vol. 51 (8), p. 713-727
Journal article

Hyperbolic contraction flow for characterization of extensional properties

Mats Stading, Magda Nyström, Hamid Tamaddon-Jahromi et al
Proc XVIth International Congress on Rheology
Paper in proceeding

Simulation of extensional flow through contractions towards a measuring system for extensional viscosity

Magda Nyström, H R Tamaddon Jahromi, Mats Stading et al
Annual Transactions the Nordic Rheology Society (19), p. 195-199
Paper in proceeding

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