Hannes Lindkvist

Showing 6 publications


Micro-meso-macro assessment of drivers and barriers to implementing geofencing for sustainable transport

Hannes Lindkvist, Lisa Govik
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 130
Journal article

Actor roles and public–private interaction in transitioning networks: the case of geofencing for urban freight transport in Sweden

Hannes Lindkvist, Frida Lind, Lisa Melander
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol. 38 (6), p. 1376-1389
Journal article

How sustainable are urban transport services? A comparison of MaaS and UCC

Hannes Lindkvist, Lisa Melander
Research in Transportation Business and Management. Vol. 43
Journal article

Multiple perspectives on the values of a resource combination – The case of geofencing in freight transport

Hannes Lindkvist, Anna Dubois, Frida Lind et al
Other conference contribution

Who is part of geofencing? Actors: their roles and interactions in connected freight transport systems

Hannes Lindkvist, Frida Lind, Lisa Melander
Other conference contribution

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Showing 1 research projects


Interactions and role development in the geofence network

Hannes Lindkvist Supply and Operations Management
Frida Lind Supply and Operations Management
Anna Dubois Supply and Operations Management
Lisa Melander Supply and Operations Management

2 publications exist
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