Daniel Koch

Showing 18 publications


PST (Place Syntax Tool) Documentation v3.2.4-3.2.5_20230110

Ioanna Stavroulaki, Meta Berghauser Pont, Martin Fitger et al
Other - Software code

The Problem with Crime Problem-Solving: Towards a Second Generation Pop?

Hervé Borrion, Dalal Alrajeh, Aiduan Li Borrion et al
British Journal of Criminology. Vol. 60 (1), p. 219-240
Journal article

Path Diagrams: configurational descriptions from gis data, an Algorithm and its implications

Pablo Miranda Carranza, Ann Legeby, Daniel Koch
Proceedings of the 12th Space Syntax Symposium, p. 289:1-289:17
Paper in proceeding


Hervé Borrion, Daniel Koch
Routledge Handbook of Crime Science, p. 145-166
Book chapter

Rumslig gestaltning och sociala processer: Skolor som förmedlare av samhällelig närvaro

Ann Legeby, Daniel Koch, Pablo Miranda Carranza
Stadsutveckling & design för motstridiga önskemål: En bok om nödvändigheten av förändring i tanke och handling för sociala hållbarhetsprocesser, p. 213-239
Book chapter

Den produktiva staden

Daniel Koch
Arkitekten (5), p. 52-53
Magazine article

On Avoidance

Daniel Koch
After Effects: Theories and Methodologies in Architectural Research, p. 380-397
Book chapter


Magnus Rönn, Daniel Koch, Madeleine Granvik
Nordisk arkitekturforskning. Vol. 2-2019 (2-20195), p. 5-7
Other text in scientific journal

Maktperspektiv i byggd miljö: Reflektioner från Gottsunda

Daniel Koch, Ann Legeby, Pablo Miranda Carranza
Stadsutveckling & design för motstridiga önskemål: En bok om nödvändigheten av förändring i tanke och handling för sociala hållbarhetsprocesser, p. 241-268
Book chapter

Architectural Articulation and Configurations of Space: Advancing theory, principles and bases for spatial modelling

Daniel Koch
Proceedings of the 12th Space Syntax Symposium, p. 264-1:1-264-1:17
Paper in proceeding


Meta Berghauser Pont, Alexander Ståhle, Lars Marcus et al
Other - Software code

Schools at ‘Front Row’: Public buildings in relation to societal presence and social exclusion

Ann Legeby, Daniel Koch, Pablo Miranda Carranza
Proceedings of the 12th Space Syntax Symposium, p. 287-2:1-287-2:19
Paper in proceeding

Suburbs and Power: Configuration, Direct and Symbolic Presence, Absence, and Power in The Swedish Suburb Gottsunda

Daniel Koch, Ann Legeby, Pablo Miranda Carranza
Proceedings of the 12th Space Syntax Symposium, p. 264-2:1-264-2:21
Paper in proceeding


Magnus Rönn, Madeleine Granvik, Daniel Koch

En levande stad

Daniel Koch
PLAN. Vol. 2018 (6-7), p. 49-67
Magazine article

Editors’ Notes

Magnus Rönn, Madeleine Granvik, Daniel Koch
Nordic Journal of Architectural Research (2), p. 5-7
Other text in scientific journal

A cortege of ghostly bodies: Abstraction, prothesis, and the logic of the mannequin

Daniel Koch
Architecture and Feminisms: Ecologies, economies, technologies, p. 99-105
Book chapter

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Showing 1 research projects


Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice

Fredrik Nilsson Architecture
Frans Magnusson Architectural theory and methods
Malgorzata Zboinska Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Stig Anton Nielsen Architectural theory and methods
Atli Magnus Seelow Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Andrej Slavik Architectural theory and methods
Catharina Dyrssen Urban Design and Planning
Claes Caldenby Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Julia Fredriksson Urban Design and Planning
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Daniel Norell Education - Architectural Theory and Method
Johan Linton Education - Architectural Theory and Method
Liane Thuvander Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Paula Femenias Building Design
Beata Stahre Wästberg Interaction design
Michael Asgaard Andersen Architectural theory and methods
Monica Billger Architectural theory and methods
Michael U. Hensel Unknown organization
Nel Janssens Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Halina Dunin-Woyseth von Turow Architectural theory and methods
Karel Deckers Unknown organization
Johan Liekens Unknown organization
Anna Maria Orrù Urban Design and Planning
Karl-Gunnar Olsson Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Daniel Koch Building Design

23 publications exist
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