Robert Lillbacka

Showing 15 publications


Micro heterogeous fatigue behaviour of duplex stainless steel during cyclic loading

G. Chai, Robert Lillbacka, R. Lin Peng
18th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture of Materials and Structures from Micro to Macro Scale, ECF 2010; Dresden; Germany; 30 August 2010 through 3 September 2010
Paper in proceeding

On the adaptive use of the taylor assumption in computational homogenization of thin sheets

Fredrik Larsson, Robert Lillbacka, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal of Material Forming. Vol. 2 / Supp 1, p. 903-906
Paper in proceeding

On the multiscale modeling of duplex stainless steel

Robert Lillbacka
Doctoral thesis

Cyclic stress-strain behavior and load sharing in duplex stainless steels: Aspects of modeling and experiments

Robert Lillbacka, G. Chai, Magnus Ekh et al
Acta Materialia. Vol. 55 (16), p. 5359-5368
Journal article

Lateral spårstabilitet -- slutrapport

Erland Johnson, Gunnar Kjell, Lars Jacobsson et al

On the implementation of plane stress in computational multiscale modeling

Robert Lillbacka, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. Vol. 5-6, p. 771-790
Journal article

On the implementation of plane stress in computational multiscale modeling

Robert Lillbacka, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 91-94
Other conference contribution

A model for short crack propagation in polycrystalline materials

Robert Lillbacka, Erland Johnson, Magnus Ekh
Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 73 (2), p. 223-232
Journal article

On the algorithmic tangent stifness for error-controlled computational homogenization

Kenneth Runesson, Robert Lillbacka, Fredrik Larsson
WCCM VII - 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, CA USA, July 16-22, 2006, CD-rom
Other conference contribution

Calibration of a multiscale material model based on macroscale test data

Robert Lillbacka, Magnus Ekh
Computational Plasticity, 2005, Barcelona, Eds. Owen, Onate and Suarez, p. 1174-1176
Paper in proceeding

A model framework for anisotropic damage coupled to crystal (visco)plasticity

Magnus Ekh, Robert Lillbacka, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal of Plasticity. Vol. 20 (12), p. 2143-2159
Journal article

Aspects on Computational Meso-Macro-Scale Constitutive Modeling

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson, Magnus Ekh et al
Eccomas 2004 Book of Abstracts. Vol. 1, p. 11-
Other conference contribution

Multiscale material modeling of duplex stainless steel

Robert Lillbacka
Licentiate thesis

Fatigue crack initiation based on simulations on the mesoscopic scale

Robert Lillbacka, Magnus Ekh, Erland Johnson et al
Fatigue 2003, Cambridge
Paper in proceeding

Anisotropic damage modeling based on mesomechanical simulations

Robert Lillbacka, Magnus Ekh, Kenneth Runesson et al
World Congress on Computational Mechanics V, 2002, Vienna. Vol. 1, p. 190-
Paper in proceeding

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