Madeleine Liljegren

Doctoral Student at Building Design

Madeleine is a registered physiotherapist, specialist in the health of the elderly and has a master's degree in landscape architecture. The title of her PhD project is: Qualities in the physical outdoor environment that promote health for older adults at residential care facilities - from mapping to working methods for design and planning (OUT-FIT project). Madeleine is the first double-degree doctoral student established in the developed collaboration between Caring Sciences (University of Gothenburg, Institute of Health and Care Sciences) and Architecture (Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering). Madeleine has her clinical background in municipal healthcare.

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Showing 2 publications


Introducing the Outdoor Environment as an Arena for Person-Centered Care and Rehabilitation at Residential Care Facilities for Older Adults—A Care Worker’s Perspective

Madeleine Liljegren, Anna Bengtsson, Göran Lindahl et al
Journal of Aging and Environment. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Older Adults’ Needs and Wishes for Contact With the Outdoors at Residential Care Facilities: Implications for Theory and Practice

Madeleine Liljegren, Anna Bengtsson, Göran Lindahl et al
HERD. Vol. 17 (4), p. 132-149
Journal article

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