Madeleine Yttergren
Madeleine Yttergren conducts research on galaxy evolution in the research group of Prof. Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen. Madeleine's focus is on the kinematics of high-redshift AGN host galaxies, starburst and star-forming galaxies. Primarily, she is working on the development of a framework to facilitate the interpretation of the high-redshift data (first and foremost from ALMA) in terms of kinematics and gas excitation.
![Madeleine Yttergren from Image of Madeleine Yttergren](
Showing 5 publications
Influence of Jets on [O iii] Extensions in Green Pea/Bean Galaxies
SDSS-FIRST-selected interacting galaxies: Optical long-slit spectroscopy study using MODS at the LBT
GLINT Gravitational-wave laser INterferometry triangle
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