Magnus Östgren

Doctoral Student at Computer Engineering (Chalmers)

Magnus Östgren is a doctoral student at Chalmers University of Technology, at the department of Computer Science and Engineering, and is advised by Prof. Ioannis Sourdis.
He has a MSc Eng (2020) in Robotics from Mälardalen University.

His research centers on reconfigurable computing, with a strong emphasis on near-data processing using FPGA-based accelerators. By placing computation closer to memory or data sources such as network interfaces, Magnus aims to reduce data movement and latency for a variety of data-intensive applications, including stream aggregation.

Image of Magnus Östgren

Showing 1 publications


A Parallel Hash Table for Streaming Applications

Magnus Östgren, Ioannis Sourdis
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, PACT, p. 297-308
Paper in proceeding

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