Mahmood Alaghmandan

Showing 10 publications


Completely bounded maps and invariant subspaces

Mahmood Alaghmandan, I.G. Todorov, Lyudmyla Turowska
Mathematische Zeitschrift. Vol. 294 (1-2), p. 471-489
Journal article

Amenability notions of hypergroups and some applications to locally compact groups

Mahmood Alaghmandan
Mathematische Nachrichten. Vol. 290 (14-15), p. 2088-2099
Journal article

Fourier algebras of hypergroups and central algebras on compact (quantum) groups

Mahmood Alaghmandan, Jason Crann
Studia Mathematica. Vol. 239 (3), p. 225-247
Journal article

Completely bounded bimodule maps and spectral synthesis

Mahmood Alaghmandan, I. G. Todorov, Lyudmyla Turowska
International Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 28 (10)
Journal article

Character Density in Central Subalgebras of Compact Quantum Groups

Mahmood Alaghmandan, Jason Crann
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. Vol. 60 (3), p. 449-461
Journal article

Seminormed ⁎-subalgebras of ℓ∞(X)

Mahmood Alaghmandan, Mehdi Ghasemi
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol. 455 (1), p. 212-220
Journal article

Dual space and hyperdimension of compact hypergroups

Mahmood Alaghmandan, M. Amini
Glasgow Mathematical Journal. Vol. 59 (2), p. 421-435
Journal article

Amenability properties of the central fourier algebra of a compact group

Mahmood Alaghmandan, N. Spronk
Illinois Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 60 (2), p. 505-527
Journal article

Projections In L1(G): The Unimodular Case

Mahmood Alaghmandan, Nico Spronk, N. Spronk et al
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 144 (11), p. 4929-4941
Journal article

Weighted discrete hypergroups

Mahmood Alaghmandan, Ebrahim Samei
Indiana University Mathematics Journal. Vol. 65 (2), p. 423-451
Journal article

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