Maitri Dore

Postdoc at Building Design

Maitri’s research is about the role of heritage in built environment transformations. With a starting point in Critical Heritage Studies, her work aims to inform theory and practice on culturally sustainable urban planning and design. Maitri received her PhD in cultural heritage conservation from the Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg in January 2024. Her thesis was titled From Gone to Gain: Exploring the Scope of Historic Environment Compensation in Planning.

Image of Maitri Dore

Showing 13 publications


Investigating ‘The Social’ in the Architecture of Affordable Housing in Mumbai

Maitri Dore
The social dimension of social housing, p. 205-213
Book chapter

How the Hindu Right-Wing in India is Undermining Muslim Identity Through Heritage

Maitri Dore
Failed Architecture
Magazine article

Preservation and Abandonment in the Stones of Bidar

Maitri Dore
Other - Blog post

Strategic Responses to Wicked Problems of Heritage Management: Experiences from the West Link Infrastructure Project in Gothenburg, Sweden

Susanne Fredholm, Maitri Dore, Sara Brorström
Land. Vol. 10 (10), p. 1032-1048
Journal article

Home and the city – For whom?

Maitri Dore
Other - Blog post

The Redesign of New Delhi’s Central Vista, and the Colonial Stripes of Narendra Modi

Maitri Dore
The Chakkar: Indian Arts Review
Magazine article

Beloved Concrete Monsters

Maitri Dore
OPEN Magazine
Magazine article

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Showing 1 research projects


Bologi: Humans, resilience and energy and resource use in homes for tomorrow

Paula Femenias Building Design
Elton Chan Building Design
Kaj Granath Building Design
Maitri Dore Building Design
Swedish Energy Agency

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