Wendimagegn Mammo
Showing 20 publications
Alternating fluorene copolymerfullerene blend solar cells
Conjugated polymers with polar side chains in bulk heterojunction solar cell devices
Black polymers in bulk-heterojunction solar cells
Small Band Gap Polymers Synthesized via a Modified Nitration of 4,7-Dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole
Synthesis, Characterization, and Devices of a Series of Alternating Copolymers for Solar Cells
Integration of amyloid nanowires in organic solar cells
A new donor-acceptor-donor polyfluorene copolymer with balanced electron and hole mobility
A conjugated polymer for near infrared optoelectronic applications
New low band gap alternating polyfluorene copolymer-based photovoltaic cells
Electrochemical and optical studies of the band gaps of alternating polyfluorene copolymers
Evaluation of active materials designed for use in printable electrochromic polymer displays
Polymer solar cells with low-bandgap polymers blended with C70-derivative give photocurrent at 1 mm
Design, Synthesis and Properties of Low Band Gap Polyfluorenes for Photovoltaic Devices
Alternating fluorene copolymer-fullerene blend solar cells
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