Martin Andersen

Doctoral Student at Building Services Engineering

Martin Andersen works in the project “solar heat integration network” (SHINE), financed by the EU 7th framework programme for research and innovation. The research aims to find the techno-economic boundary conditions for profitable utilization of solar thermal to new and existing district heating systems.

Image of Martin Andersen

Showing 4 publications


Techno-economics of solar re-powering and retro-fitting an existing district heating network

Martin Andersen, Chris Bales, Jan-Olof Dalenbäck
Energy Conversion and Management: X. Vol. 24
Journal article

Heat distribution concepts for small solar district heating systems – Techno-economic study for low line heat densities

Martin Andersen, Chris Bales, Jan-Olof Dalenbäck
Energy Conversion and Management: X. Vol. 15
Journal article

Economic Analysis of Heat Distribution Concepts for a Small Solar District Heating System

Martin Andersen, Chris Bales, Jan-Olof Dalenbäck
Energies. Vol. 15 (13)
Journal article

Solar district heating for low energy residential areas

Martin Andersen
Licentiate thesis

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