Marcus Assarlind

Showing 16 publications


Initiating Quality Management in a Small Company

Marcus Assarlind, Ida Gremyr
TQM Journal. Vol. 28 (2), p. 166-179
Journal article

Analysis of an improvement programme for MMEs

Marcus Assarlind
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 26 (8), p. 1107-1125
Journal article

A model for adoption of quality management in SMEs

Marcus Assarlind
58th EOQ conference, 11-12 June, Gothenburg
Paper in proceeding

Critical Factors for Quality Management Initiatives in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Marcus Assarlind, Ida Gremyr
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Vol. 25 (4), p. 397-411
Journal article

Adoption of quality management in SMEs

Marcus Assarlind
Doctoral thesis

Forces affecting one Lean Six Sigma adoption process

Marcus Assarlind, Lise Aaboen
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol. 5 (3), p. 324-340
Journal article

A Process Analysis of an Implementation of Lean Six Sigma in a Manufacturing Medium-Sized Enterprise

Marcus Assarlind, Lise Aaboen, Martin Arvidsson
20th EurOMA Conference, 9-11 June, Dublin
Paper in proceeding

Multi-faceted views on a Lean Six Sigma application

Marcus Assarlind, Ida Gremyr, Kristoffer Bäckman
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Vol. 30 (4), p. 387-402
Journal article

Adopting new ways of working in small and medium-sized enterprises: findings from interventions in 12 European companies

Marcus Assarlind, Henrik Eriksson, Ida Gremyr et al
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Vol. 24 (8), p. 945-958
Journal article

Multi-faceted views on a Lean Six Sigma application

Marcus Assarlind, Ida Gremyr, Kristoffer Bäckman
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Vol. 29 (1), p. 21-30
Journal article

Designing interventions in SMEs: Experiences from a pan-European multiple case study

Marcus Assarlind, Henrik Eriksson, Ida Gremyr et al
Proceedings of the 15th QMOD-ICQSS conference, p. 123-135
Paper in proceeding

Combining mechanistic and organic approaches to change: A case study on a Swedish national transformation program for medium sized enterprises

Marcus Assarlind, Clas Mellby
14th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2011
Paper in proceeding

Enabling factors of adaptive capability in small and medium enterprises

Aylin Ates, Marcus Assarlind, Catherine Maguire et al
18th EurOMA Conference, 3‐6 July 2011, Cambridge UK
Paper in proceeding

Exploring Quality Management Implementation Factors: In-depth study at one smaller company

Marcus Assarlind
13th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2010, Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Quality Management in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Marcus Assarlind, Ida Gremyr
Irish Academy of Management 12th Annual Conference, Conference Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

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