Adoption of quality management in SMEs
Doctoral thesis, 2014

Since its dawn several decades ago, quality management (QM) has become established as a concept for improving organisations. It is often manifested in companies today in various initiatives, such as “lean”, “Six Sigma” or “the Company Production System”. However, adoptions of QM are scarce in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Historically, some research has considered QM as universally applicable. This thesis demonstrates how characteristics of individual organisations, and different parts of QM adoption processes, influence what practices that are favourably applicable in SMEs. Furthermore, because of resource and competence scarcity, external interventions have been suggested as being valuable for supporting the adoption processes of QM in SMEs. The purpose of this thesis is to identify critical factors of, and functions of external interventions in, QM adoption in SMEs. The results of the thesis are based on six research papers: one literature review, three company cases and two external intervention programme cases. These studies have helped identify a number of important stages of the QM adoption process: awareness and need, competence, adaptation, implementation, study, and action. Importantly, adoption processes should be viewed as complex and iterative in nature. In order to understand adoption processes, it is critical to recognise them as non-linear, and that they are not exclusively progressing but may also regress. These findings are further synthesised into a model that may provide practical guidance and inspiration for planning an adoption, as well as structure for analysing adoption processes. Six categories of factors are identified as critical for adoption: gradual implementation using realistic goals, involvement and training of employees, involvement of external support, management involvement, and fact-based follow-up. Perhaps the most common characteristic of the SME context seems to be the need for external support, as many SMEs demonstrate a scarcity with resources, both financial and competence in adopting QM. It is also noted that publically financed improvement programmes can support in these regards, as well as in ensuring structure, and long-term planning.

adoption process


lean production

literature review

six sigma


continuous improvement


Quality management

Vasa C
Opponent: Alan Brown


Marcus Assarlind

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Quality Sciences

Critical Factors for Quality Management Initiatives in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Total Quality Management and Business Excellence,;Vol. 25(2014)p. 397-411

Journal article

Assarlind, M., & Gremyr, I. (2014). Initiating quality management in a small company

Assarlind, M., & Aaboen, L. (2014). An analysis of stagnated Lean Six Sigma adoption

Multi-faceted views on a Lean Six Sigma application

International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management,;Vol. 30(2013)p. 387-402

Journal article

Assarlind, M. (2014). Analysis of an improvement programme for MMEs

Adopting new ways of working in small and medium-sized enterprises: findings from interventions in 12 European companies

Total Quality Management and Business Excellence,;Vol. 24(2013)p. 945-958

Journal article

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Other Mechanical Engineering

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Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 3650



Vasa C

Opponent: Alan Brown

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