Maria Ohlin

Showing 12 publications


VIRTUAL - a European approach to foster the uptake of virtual testing in vehicle safety assessment

Astrid Linder, Ragnhild J. Davidse, Johan Iraeus et al
Proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of bicycle crashes in Sweden involving injuries with high risk of health loss

Maria Ohlin, Beatrix Algurén, Anders Lie
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 20 (6), p. 613-618
Journal article

Bicycle crashes and sickness absence - A population-based Swedish register study of all individuals of working ages

Linnea Kjeldgård, Maria Ohlin, Rasmus Elrud et al
BMC Public Health. Vol. 19 (1)
Journal article

Analysis of Swedish and Dutch accident data on cyclist injuries in cyclist-car collisions

Christoph Leo, Corina Klug, Maria Ohlin et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 20 (sup2), p. 160-162
Journal article

Analysis of pedestrian injuries in pedestrian-car collisions with focus on age and gender

Christoph Leo, Corina Klug, Maria Ohlin et al
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI, p. 256-257
Paper in proceeding

Duration of sickness absence following a bicycle crash, by injury type and injured body region: A nationwide register-based study

Maria Ohlin, Linnea Kjeldgard, Rasmus Elrud et al
Journal of Transport and Health. Vol. 9, p. 275-281
Journal article

Long-term problems influencing health-related quality of life after road traffic injury – Differences between bicyclists and car occupants

Maria Ohlin, Hans-Yngve Berg, Anders Lie et al
Journal of Transport and Health. Vol. 4, p. 180-190
Journal article

Modelling the effect on injuries and fatalities when changing mode of transport from car to bicycle

Philip Nilsson, Helena Stigson, Maria Ohlin et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 100, p. 30-36
Journal article

The combined effect of vehicle frontal design, speed reduction, autonomous emergency braking and helmet use in reducing real life bicycle injuries

Maria Ohlin, Johan Strandroth, Claes Tingvall
Safety Science. Vol. 92, p. 338-344
Journal article

Sickness absence among passenger car occupants following a Crash

Rasmus Elrud, H. Stigson, Maria Ohlin et al
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. Vol. 2017-September, p. 79-90
Paper in proceeding

Correlation between Euro NCAP Pedestrian Test Results and Injury Severity in Injury Crashes with Pedestrians and Bicyclists in Sweden

Johan Strandroth, Simon Sternlund, Anders Lie et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2014-November (November)
Journal article

Potential safety benefits of Automatic Collision Notification - A case by case analysis

Maria Ohlin, Johan Strandroth, Anders Lie
21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems: Reinventing Transportation in Our Connected World, ITSWC 2014; Cobo CenterDetroit; United States; 7 September 2014 through 11 September 2014
Paper in proceeding

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