Mari-Liis Maripuu

Showing 8 publications


Beloks Totalmetodik: Handbok för genomförande och kvalitetssäkring

Mari-Liis Maripuu, Enno Abel, Lars Ekberg et al
Report - Energimyndighetens beställargrupp lokaler, BELOK

Demand controlled ventilation systems - State-o-the-art-review

Mari-Liis Maripuu, Alireza Afshari

Experimental Study of Thermal Environment and Comfort in an Office Room with a Variable Air Volume (VAV) System under Low Supply Air Temperature Conditions

Mari-Liis Maripuu
Proceedings 9th REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 Wellbeing Indoors
Paper in proceeding

Design criteria for variable air volume (VAV) systems without active control dampers

Mari-Liis Maripuu, Lennart Jagemar
Proceedings 22nd International Congress of Refrigeration, Beijing, China
Paper in proceeding

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