Marita Olsson

Showing 36 publications


Impact of CKD Progression on Cardiovascular Disease Risk in a Contemporary UK Cohort of Individuals With Diabetes

C. Cabrera, Alison S. Lee, Marita Olsson et al
Kidney International Reports. Vol. 5 (10), p. 1651-1660
Journal article

Contemporary risk estimates of three HbA(1c) variables in relation to heart failure following diagnosis of type 2 diabetes

Stanko Skrtic, C. Cabrera, Marita Olsson et al
Heart. Vol. 103 (5), p. 355-360
Journal article

Decreased eGFR as a Risk Factor for Heart Failure in 13 781 Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes.

Daniel Vestberg, Annika Rosengren, Marita Olsson et al
Journal of diabetes science and technology. Vol. 10 (1), p. 131-136
Journal article

The relationship between eGFR and hospitalization for heart failure in 54,486 individuals with type 2 diabetes

M. Tancredi, Annika Rosengren, Marita Olsson et al
Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews. Vol. 32 (7), p. 730-735
Journal article

Decreased eGFR as a risk factor for heart failure in 13,781 patients with type 1 diabetes

Daniel Vestberg, Annika Rosengren, Marita Olsson et al
Diabetologia. Vol. 58, p. S575-S575
Other conference contribution

Contemporary Risk Estimates of Three HbA(1c) Variables for Myocardial Infarction in 101,799 Patients Following Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes

Marita Olsson, V. Schnecke, C. Cabrera et al
Diabetes Care. Vol. 38 (8), p. 1481-1486
Journal article

Gene expression analysis of membrane transporters and drug-metabolizing enzymes in the lung of healthy and COPD subjects.

Tove Berg, Tove Hegelund Myrbäck, Marita Olsson et al
Pharmacology research & perspectives. Vol. 2 (4), p. e00054-
Journal article

The association between BMI and hospitalization for heart failure in 83 021 persons with Type 2 diabetes: a population-based study from the Swedish National Diabetes Registry

S. Glogner, Annika Rosengren, Marita Olsson et al
Diabetic Medicine. Vol. 31 (5), p. 586-594
Journal article

Refinement of the MHC risk map in a scandinavian primary sclerosing cholangitis population

Sigrid Næss, Benedicte A Lie, Espen Melum et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 9 (12), p. e114486-
Journal article

The relationship between glycaemic control and heart failure in 83,021 patients with type 2 diabetes

Marcus Lind, Marita Olsson, Annika Rosengren et al
Diabetologia. Vol. 55 (11), p. 2946-2953
Journal article

Familial risk of premature cardiovascular mortality and the impact of intergenerational occupational class mobility

S. Tiikkaja, Marita Olsson, N. Malki et al
Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 75 (10), p. 1883-1890
Journal article

Electrostatic Modifications of the Human Leukocyte Antigen-DR P9 Peptide-Binding Pocket and Susceptibility to Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Johannes R Hov, V. Kosmoliaptsis, James A Traherne et al
Hepatology. Vol. 53 (6), p. 1967-1976
Journal article

Glycaemic control and incidence of heart failure in 20 985 patients with type 1 diabetes: an observational study

Marcus Lind, I. Bounias, Marita Olsson et al
The Lancet. Vol. 378 (9786), p. 140-146
Journal article


P. Olaya-Contreras, J. Styf, Marita Olsson et al
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Vol. 65 (8), p. A348-A349
Journal article

Intraperitoneal Alpha-Radioimmunotherapy of Advanced Ovarian Cancer in Nude Mice using Different High Specific Activities

Jörgen Elgqvist, Daniel Ahlberg, Håkan Andersson et al
World Journal of Oncology. Vol. 1 (3), p. 101-110
Journal article

Association between CYP2C19 polymorphism and depressive symptoms

S Sim, L Nordin, T M-L Andersson et al
American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics. Vol. 153B (6), p. 1160-1166
Journal article

Three microsatellites from the T1DGC MHC dataset show highly significant association with type 1 diabetes, independent of the HLA-DRB1, -DQA1 and -DQB1 genes.

Morten C Eike, Keith Humphreys, Tim Becker et al
Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism. Vol. 11 (Suppl 1), p. 17-24
Journal article

Reproducible association with type 1 diabetes in the extended class I region of the major histocompatibility complex

Marte K Viken, A Blomhoff, Marita Olsson et al
Genes and Immunity. Vol. 10 (4), p. 323-33
Journal article

Genetic variants of the HLA-A, HLA-B and AIF1 loci show independent associations with type 1 diabetes in Norwegian families.

Morten C Eike, Marita Olsson, DE Undlien et al
Genes and Immunity. Vol. 10 (2), p. 141-50
Journal article

Killer immunoglobulin-like receptor ligand HLA –Bw4 protects against multiple sclerosis.

Åslaug R Lorentzen, Tom H Karlsen, Marita Olsson et al
Annals of Neurology. Vol. 65 (6), p. 658-666
Journal article

Conditional analyses on the T1DGC MHC dataset : novel associations with type 1 diabetes around HLA-G and confirmation of HLA-B

Morten C Eike, Tim Becker, Keith Humphreys et al
Genes and Immunity. Vol. 10 (1), p. 56-67
Journal article

GENESTAT: An Information Portal for Design and Analysis of Genetic Association Studies.

Samuli Ripatti, Tim Becker, H Bickeböller et al
European Journal of Human Genetics. Vol. 17 (4), p. 533-6
Journal article

Particular genetic variants of ligands for natural killer cell receptors may contribute to the HLA associated risk of primary sclerosing cholangitis

Tom H Karlsen, Kirsten M Boberg, Marita Olsson et al
Journal of Hepatology. Vol. 46 (5), p. 899-906
Journal article

The PTPN22 promoter polymorphism -1123G>C association cannot be distinguished from the 1858C>T association in a Norwegian rheumatoid arthritis material.

Marte K Viken, Marita Olsson, Siri T Flåm et al
Tissue Antigens. Vol. 3 (70), p. 190-7
Journal article

Alpha-radioimmunotherapy of intraperitoneally growing OVCAR-3 tumors of variable dimensions: Outcome related to measured tumor size and mean absorbed dose.

Jörgen Elgqvist, Håkan Andersson, Tom Bäck et al
Journal of Nuclear Medicine. Vol. 47 (8), p. 1342-50
Journal article

Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype blocks in the MHC vary in an HLA haplotype specific manner assessed mainly by DRB1*03 and DRB1*04 haplotypes.

A Blomhoff, Marita Olsson, S Johansson et al
Genes and Immunity. Vol. 7 (2), p. 130-40
Journal article

Administered activity and metastatic cure probability during radioimmunotherapy of ovarian cancer in nude mice with 211At-MX35 F(ab')2.

Jörgen Elgqvist, Håkan Andersson, Peter Bernhardt et al
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. Vol. 66 (4), p. 1228-37
Journal article

Fractionated radioimmunotherapy of intraperitoneally growing ovarian cancer in nude mice with 211At-MX35 F(ab')2: therapeutic efficacy and myelotoxicity

Jörgen Elgqvist, Håkan Andersson, Tom Bäck et al
Nuclear Medicine and Biology. Vol. 33 (8), p. 1065-72
Journal article

The myxoid/round cell liposarcoma fusion oncogene FUS-DDIT3 and the normal DDIT3 induce a liposarcoma phenotype in transfected human fibrosarcoma cells.

Katarina Engström, Helena Willén, Christina Kåbjörn-Gustafsson et al
American Journal of Pathology. Vol. 168 (5), p. 1642-53
Journal article

No evidence for genetic linkage between development of multiple sclerosis and component of the IFN system and the JAK-STAT pathway.

M Bergkvist, Marita Olsson, M Sandberg-Wollheim
Multiple Sclerosis. Vol. 10 (1), p. 87-88
Journal article

HLA in coeliac disease families: a novel test of risk modification by the 'other' haplotype when at least one DQA1*05-DQB1*02 haplotype is carried.

A S Louka, Staffan Nilsson, Marita Olsson et al
Tissue Antigens. Vol. 60 (2), p. 147-54
Journal article

EM Estimation in Phase Type Models

Marita Olsson
Doctoral thesis

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