Martin Kjellberg

Showing 7 publications


Experimental and numerical investigations of propeller open water characteristics in calm water and regular head waves

Mohsen Irannezhad, Martin Kjellberg, Rickard Bensow et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 302
Journal article

Towards Uncertainty Analysis of CFD Simulation of Ship Responses in Regular Head Waves

Mohsen Irannezhad, Rickard Bensow, Martin Kjellberg et al
Proceedings of the 23rd Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, NuTTS 2021
Other conference contribution

Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Method for Three-Dimensional Body Motion

Martin Kjellberg, Giorgio Contento, Carl-Erik Janson
Proceedings from NAV 2012, 17th International Conference on Ships and Shipping Research, p. 117-
Paper in proceeding

A fully nonlinear potential flow method for threedimensional body motions

Martin Kjellberg, Giorgio Contento, Carl-Erik Janson
NAV International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research. Vol. 0 (216369)
Paper in proceeding

A nested domains technique for a fully-nonlinear unsteady three-dimensional boundary element method for free-surface flows with forward speed

Martin Kjellberg, Giorgio Contento, Carl-Erik Janson
21st International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2011; Maui, HI; 19 June 2011 through 24 June 2011, p. 673-679
Paper in proceeding

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