Maria Nyström Reuterswärd

Showing 75 publications


Design Thinking for Entrepreneurship in Frugal Contexts

Lisbeth Svengren Holm, Maria Nyström Reuterswärd, Godfrey Nyotumba
Design Journal. Vol. 22 (sup1), p. 295-307
Journal article

Land Tenure Systems in Kisumu City;The formal- Informal Dichtomy

Maria Nyström, George G. Wagah, Mathenge Mwehe et al
International Journal of Sciences. Vol. 6, p. 32-42
Journal article

A Transdisciplinary Research Approach: Challenges and Benefits of Co-production

Helena Hansson, Franklin Mwango, Jennifher Otieno et al
Cumulus Johannesburg. Design with the Other 90%: Changing the World by Design, p. 383-391
Paper in proceeding

Testing and evaluating sustainable design practices

Olga Bannova, Maria Nyström, Paula Femenias et al
Proceedings from the International Conference on Architectural Research ARCC/EAAE, 12-15 February, 2014 Honolulu
Paper in proceeding

Architectural Engineering Approach to Developing a Matrix for Planning in Extreme Environments

Olga Bannova, Maria Nyström
14th ASCE International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments. Proceedings, p. 673-681
Paper in proceeding

Legal and Policy Framework Affecting the Development of Urban Agriculture Market in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya

H.W. Kamwele, George Mark Onyango, George G. Wagah et al
Business and Management Review. Vol. 3 (11), p. 53-64
Journal article

BEYOND GREEN - the unsustainable home in the environmentally adapted building

Pernilla Hagbert, Paula Femenias, Maria Nyström et al
10th European Academy of Design Conference - Crafting the Future, 17-19 April, 2013, Göteborg
Paper in proceeding

Petty Trading Processes in Marketplaces in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Daniel Mbisso, Maria Nyström, Wilbard Kombe
IAPS Conference Proceedings, Conference: Geography and Context and Planning in Developed and Developing Countries
Paper in proceeding

Upscaling Ecotourism in Kisumu City and its Environs : Local Community Perspective

Maria Nyström, P.O. Hayombe, Stephen Agong et al
International journal of business and social research. Vol. 2 (7)
Journal article

The unsustainable home in the environmentally adjusted residential building?

Pernilla Hagbert, Paula Femenias, Maria Nyström et al
56th International Federation of Housing and Planning World Congress; 16-19 September, 2012, Göteborg
Other conference contribution

Assessment of Health and Safety Risk Perception of Site Managers, Supervisors and Workers in Tanzania Urban Construction Sites

Sarah Phoya, H Eliufoo, Krystyna Pietrzyk et al
CIB W099 Conference of International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction
Paper in proceeding

Reality Studios: A Combined Device for Education, Research & Social Change

Ulla Johansson, Maria Nyström
Business and Design Lab., School of Design Crafts, University of Göteborg, Sweden, for CUMULUS Conference Shanghai, Sept.7-10, 2010, the World Expo- Better City – Better Life.
Paper in proceeding

Fidelity Evaluation Framework for Planetary Mission Simulators: Part III: Applying the Framework

Susmita Mohanty, Maria Nyström
58th International Astronautical Congress 2007, Hydrabad India, IAC-07-E5.4.02. Vol. 13, p. 8882-8898
Paper in proceeding

Mat på Mars

Maria Nyström
Under Ytan – en antologi om designforskning, Stiftelsen Svensk Industridesign (SVID), Stockholm, Sweden
Journal article

Fidelity evaluation framework for planetary mission simulators: Part-II: Developing the framework

Susmita Mohanty, Maria Nyström, B. Imhof
58th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Hyderabad, 24-28 September 2007. Vol. 13, p. 8974-8988
Other conference contribution

The Planetary Human Mission Habitat as Information Space for Living and Exploring

Marcus von Euler, Maria Nyström
Journal article

Fidelity Evaluation Model for Planetary Simulators: PartII: Developing the Framework

Susmita Mohanty, Maria Nyström, Barbara Imhof
58th International Astronautical Congress 2007, Hydrabad, India, IAC-07-E5.I.04
Paper in proceeding

Den jättelika arbetsuppgiften

Maria Nyström
Texter om Kosmos, En antologi
Book chapter

Psycological Factors Associated with Habitat Design for Planetary Mission Simulators

Susmita Mohanty, Jesper Jörgensen, Maria Nyström
2nd International Space Architecture Symposium (SAS), Paper No. AIAA-2006-7345,AIAA SPACE 2006, San Jose, September 2006
Paper in proceeding

Urban Development and Environment- a research strategy for Africa

Maria Nyström, Eva Selin Lindgren

Fidelity Evaluation Model for Planetary Mission Simulators: Part I: Simonaut Survey

Susmita Mohanty, Frances Mount, Maria Nyström
2nd International Space Architecture Symposium (SAS), Paper No. AIAA-2006-7342,AiAA SPACE 2006, San Jose, September 2006
Paper in proceeding

International Space Station: A Case Study in Teamwork of Peoples, Cultures and Programs

Susmita Mohanty, Maria Nyström
12 th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (CE2005), A.A. Balkerna Publisher. Texas, USA
Paper in proceeding

Design - att formge en tanke

Maria Nyström
Design vad är det? Med fokus på H55, Kulturmagasinet och Helsingborgs museiförening
Book chapter

Product Development Problematics

Marcus von Euler, Catarina Östlund, Maria Nyström
11th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (CE2004), A. A. Balkerna Publisher. Beijing, China
Journal article

Kitchen Design – Energy and Health in the Eyes of the Beholder

Maria Nyström
Energy for Sustainable Development. Sept 2003
Magazine article

Meeting Mars - Recycling Earth

Maria Nyström, Lars Reuterswärd

STAR Design- design of human habitats for space, and terrestrial implications

Maria Nyström, Lars Reuterswärd, Catarina Östlund
Concurrent Engineering (CE2003), A.A.Balkerna Publisher, Madeira, Portugal
Journal article

Teaching Portefolio

Maria Nyström

Making – Research

Maria Nyström
Nordic Journal of Architectural research (4)
Journal article

A Shortcut via Mars – A STAR Design Journey

Maria Nyström
Space and Spatiality, Master-class design seminar, Kolding, Denmark 2001
Journal article

Mars tur och retur

Maria Nyström
Aria Tidskrift om landskapsarkitektur (2)
Magazine article

Living Filters

Maria Nyström, Bertil Fudlund

Mission report – Healthy Marketplaces

Maria Nyström

Healthy Marketplaces

Maria Nyström

Space for Living – Living in Space

Maria Nyström, Lars Reuterswärd
Swedish Space Habitat Study, SAE the Engineering Society for Advancing Mobility Land Sea Air and Space
Journal article

Kitchen and Stove

Maria Nyström
Construction Developing Countries. Svenska Missionsrådet
Book chapter

Bep Dep- Workshop on Kitchen Design

Maria Nyström

La cuisine est le coeur de la maison

Maria Nyström, Nita Lorimer
Westhoff, Beatrix et al. Foyers en Images, Commission des Communautés Européennes, Sozietät für Entwicklungsplanung (GmbH), Frankfurt am Ma(Germany), (in English and French)
Book chapter

My Kitchen Journey

Maria Nyström
Hedon 6, Intra-Multi-Inter about Basic Research, Applied Research, Design Development, Lund university, LCHS
Magazine article

My Kitchen Journey

Maria Nyström
Report of the meeting of the International Perspectives in Development, Environment and Health: Priority- setting for Research and Intervention, Geneva 12-15 September 1995. (Switzerland)
Other conference contribution

A Chimney is Not Enough!

Maria Nyström
Boiling Point (Special edition on Smoke Pollution, April 1991). Rugby (UK): ITDG Intermediate Technology Development Group
Magazine article

FOCUS Kitchen Design- A study of Housing in Hanoi

Maria Nyström
Doctoral thesis

Kitchen of tomorrow

Maria Nyström
Kitchens, Living Environment and Household Energy Vietnam, Report on the Urban Building and Energy Project and the Seminar in Lund, 27-30 April 1993/ed Maria Nyström
Magazine article

Ventilation in Hanoi Flats - Experiments with a passive tracer gas method

Maria Nyström, Hans Stymne
Kitchens, Living Environment and Household Energy Vietnam, Report on the Urban Building and Energy Project and the Seminar in Lund, 27-30 April 1993/ed Maria Nyström
Magazine article

Functions analysis

Maria Nyström, Nita Lorimer
Kitchens, Living Environment and Household Energy Vietnam, Report on the Urban Building and Energy Project and the Seminar in Lund University, 27-30 April 1993/ed Maria Nyström
Magazine article

Contribution of Improved Kitchens/Cooking Areas. Examples from Vietnam

Maria Nyström
WHO (World Health Organization): Indoor Air Pollution from Biomass Fuel, (WHO/PEP/92.3A,B), Geneva, (Switzerland)
Book chapter

Household Energy in a Micro- perspective, Highlights on the kitchen

Maria Nyström, Annette Wong Jere
FAO: Report of the Sub-regional Expert Consultation, Improved Cook Stove Development Programme South Asian Countries, Udaipur, India, Bangkok, (Thailand)
Magazine article

Does architecture play a part in stove projects?

Maria Nyström
Roberto Caceres et al. (Ed.), Stoves for People. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Stove Dissemination. London (UK): IT- Publications
Magazine article

Household Energy and the Design of Homes- Is There a Connexion?

Maria Nyström
Viklund, Elisabet (Ed.) Report from the Nordic Seminar on Domestic Energy Developing Countries. Lund (Sweden): Lund University, Institute of Technology, LCHS
Magazine article

Skall kvinnan stå eller sitta vid spisen?

Maria Nyström
Forskning och Framsteg (4)
Magazine article

Women Climate and Architecture

Maria Nyström
Symposium Building Physics the Nordic Countries, Symposium and day of Building Physics in Lund, Sweden, August 24-27 1987, Stockholm, (Sweden):BFR (D13:1988)
Journal article

Hushållsenergi och bostadsutformning, hör det ihop?

Maria Nyström
Tidskrift för Arkitekturforskning. Vol. 1 (4)
Journal article

Kitchen and Stove in Vietnam

Maria Nyström
ICAT International Congress Architecture and Town-Planning, Malmö, June 13-16, 1987. Theme: Contribution for solving the question of housing as a social, cultural problem. In ICAT-report by Jos Weber, HbK Lerchenfeld 2/ D 2000 Hamburg 76, (Germany).
Magazine article

Från spisfronten intet nytt?

Maria Nyström
Geografiska Notiser. Vol. Årgång XLV (1)
Magazine article

Stoves and Architects

Maria Nyström
AT (Architects Review Sweden) Homeless not Helpless: A Swedish Contribution to the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless, Stockholm, (Sweden): The National Association of Swedish Architects (SAR).
Magazine article

Building Climatology in Vietnam 4, Water Tunnel Tests

Nga Le Yen, Maria Nyström

Spisar och kök i ny stad i Vietnam

Maria Nyström
Förnyelse av boendet och miljön - ett brukarorienterat perspektiv, Otaniemi (Finland): Julkaisu B56
Magazine article

The Mould Problem

Maria Nyström
The Building Climatology Seminar in 1986, Hanoi, (Vietnam)
Other conference contribution

Kitchen and Stove - the selection of technology and design

Maria Nyström
First International Symposium on Fuel Efficient Stoves November 9-12, Beijing, (China)
Other conference contribution

Shelter Policies in Vietnam

Lars Reuterswärd, Maria Nyström

Economical Stove - Part 2

Maria Nyström, Huu Dung Nguyen

Kitchen and Stove - The Selection of Technology and Design

Maria Nyström
Licentiate thesis

Evaluation of Studies on Rural Water Supply in Kenya

Maria Nyström, Ingegerd Ehn

Nordiskt samarbete om utbildning och forskning i u-landsfrågor

Maria Nyström
AT (The Architects Review in Sweden). (15)
Magazine article

I Glasriket: Människan, miljön - Framtiden, en utvärdering

Bengt Johanisson, Maria Nyström, Lars Reuterswärd


Maria Nyström, Per Iwansson

Self- reliance and its significance for participation

Maria Nyström
Workshop on Participation by John F.C. Turner, London, (UK): Bartlet School of Architecture, Development Planning Unit
Other conference contribution

Medborgarmedverkan i Glasriket

Maria Nyström
Paper written for a seminar held by Nordal Åkerman, April 22-25, Örebro, (Sweden)
Other conference contribution

Medborgarmedverkan i Sverige

Maria Nyström
Planning and Construction on the Condition of the User, Lund (Sweden): Lund University, Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture 1b:58/1981
Magazine article

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Showing 2 research projects


Capacity Building in Kisumu

Björn Malbert Urban Design and Planning
Maria Nyström Reuterswärd Architectural theory and methods
Krystyna Pietrzyk Architecture and Civil Engineering
Mistra Urban Futures, Kisumu
Mistra Urban Futures

1 publication exists

Agreement on Research Cooperation between Sweden and ARDHI University

Maria Nyström Reuterswärd Architectural theory and methods
Krystyna Pietrzyk Architecture and Civil Engineering
Hans Valdemar Lindgren [A Forskning]
Inga Malmqvist Building Design

2 publications exist
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