Maria Nyström Reuterswärd
Visar 75 publikationer
Design Thinking for Entrepreneurship in Frugal Contexts
Land Tenure Systems in Kisumu City;The formal- Informal Dichtomy
A Transdisciplinary Research Approach: Challenges and Benefits of Co-production
Testing and evaluating sustainable design practices
Architectural Engineering Approach to Developing a Matrix for Planning in Extreme Environments
BEYOND GREEN - the unsustainable home in the environmentally adapted building
Petty Trading Processes in Marketplaces in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Upscaling Ecotourism in Kisumu City and its Environs : Local Community Perspective
The unsustainable home in the environmentally adjusted residential building?
Reality Studios: A Combined Device for Education, Research & Social Change
Fidelity Evaluation Framework for Planetary Mission Simulators: Part III: Applying the Framework
Fidelity evaluation framework for planetary mission simulators: Part-II: Developing the framework
The Planetary Human Mission Habitat as Information Space for Living and Exploring
Fidelity Evaluation Model for Planetary Simulators: PartII: Developing the Framework
Psycological Factors Associated with Habitat Design for Planetary Mission Simulators
Urban Development and Environment- a research strategy for Africa
Fidelity Evaluation Model for Planetary Mission Simulators: Part I: Simonaut Survey
International Space Station: A Case Study in Teamwork of Peoples, Cultures and Programs
Product Development Problematics
Kitchen Design – Energy and Health in the Eyes of the Beholder
STAR Design- design of human habitats for space, and terrestrial implications
A Shortcut via Mars – A STAR Design Journey
Space for Living – Living in Space
La cuisine est le coeur de la maison
Ventilation in Hanoi Flats - Experiments with a passive tracer gas method
Contribution of Improved Kitchens/Cooking Areas. Examples from Vietnam
Household Energy in a Micro- perspective, Highlights on the kitchen
Does architecture play a part in stove projects?
Household Energy and the Design of Homes- Is There a Connexion?
Skall kvinnan stå eller sitta vid spisen?
Women Climate and Architecture
Hushållsenergi och bostadsutformning, hör det ihop?
Spisar och kök i ny stad i Vietnam
Kitchen and Stove - the selection of technology and design
Nordiskt samarbete om utbildning och forskning i u-landsfrågor
I Glasriket: Människan, miljön - Framtiden, en utvärdering
Self- reliance and its significance for participation
Mål och evalueringar - diskuteras och tillämpas på projekt Glasriket - en utvärdering
Medborgarmedverkan i Glasriket
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Agreement on Research Cooperation between Sweden and ARDHI University