Matthias Vandichel

Showing 7 publications


Microwave-heated γ-Alumina Applied to the Reduction of Aldehydes to Alcohols

Bhausaheb Kashinath Dhokale, Arturo Susarrey- Arce, Anna Pekkari et al
ChemCatChem. Vol. 12 (24), p. 6344-6355
Journal article

A dimer path for CO dissociation on PtSn

Matthias Vandichel, Henrik Grönbeck
Catalysis Science and Technology. Vol. 9 (3), p. 695-701
Journal article

Initial Fe3O4(100) Formation on Fe(100)

Markus Soldemo, Matthias Vandichel, Henrik Gronbeck et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 123 (26), p. 16317-16325
Journal article

Favourable band edge alignment and increased visible light absorption in β-MoO3/α-MoO3 oxide heterojunction for enhanced photoelectrochemical performance

Nisha Kodan, Aadesh P. Singh, Matthias Vandichel et al
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 43 (33), p. 15773-15783
Journal article

CO Oxidation at SnO2/Pt3Sn(111) Interfaces

Matthias Vandichel, Henrik Grönbeck
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 61 (14), p. 1458-1464
Journal article

Catalysis at the Rim: A Mechanism for Low Temperature CO Oxidation over Pt3Sn

Matthias Vandichel, Alina Moscu, Henrik Grönbeck
ACS Catalysis. Vol. 7 (11), p. 7431-7441
Journal article

A Robust Molecular Catalyst Generated In Situ for Photoand Electrochemical Water Oxidation

H. A. Younus, N. Ahmad, A. H. Chughtai et al
ChemSusChem. Vol. 10 (5), p. 862-875
Journal article

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