Paul M Meaney
Showing 28 publications
Fast Jacobian Matrix Formulation for Microwave Tomography Applications
Discrete Dipole Approximation-Based Microwave Tomography for Fast Breast Cancer Imaging
Comments on "Investigation of Histology Region Dielectric Measurements of Heterogeneous Tissues"
Application of the discrete dipole approximation in microwave breast imaging
Optimization of a microwave tomography algorithm using the DDA as a fast forward solver
Transmission-Based Dielectric Probes for Surgical Applications
Quasi- Open-Ended Coaxial Dielectric Probe Array for Skin Burn Characterization
Comparing a time-domain and frequency-domain based algorithm in microwave tomography
Integrating the discrete dipole approximation forward solver with a microwave tomography algorithm
A Transmission-Based Dielectric Property Probe for Clinical Applications
On the electric field of microwave imaging systems using discrete dipole approximation
Effects of the Plastic of the Realistic GeePS-L2S-Breast Phantom
Conformal mesh and two-step tomographic imaging of the Supelec breast phantom
A First Evaluation of the Realistic Supelec-Breast Phantom
y Two-step inversion with a logarithmic transformation for microwave breast imaging
Comparison of Two Forward Models For Electric Field of Microwave Imaging Systems
Microwave tomographic image improvement by fitting to a Cole-Cole relaxation model
Two-step reconstruction process for microwave tomography without a priori information
A Contrast Source Inversion Algorithm Formulated Using the Log-Phase Formulation
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