Jens Harro Michelsen

Showing 7 publications


Nonadiabatic Josephson dynamics in junctions with in-gap quasiparticles

Jens Harro Michelsen, Vitaly Shumeiko
Low Temperature Physics. Vol. 36 (10/11), p. 925-932 [1154-1162]-932
Journal article

Reentrance Effect in Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling and Nonadiabatic Josephson Dynamics in d-Wave Junctions

Jens Harro Michelsen, Vitaly Shumeiko
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 105 (12), p. 127001-
Journal article

Quantum dynamics of spin active and d-wave Josephson junctions

Jens Harro Michelsen
Doctoral thesis

Reentrance of macroscopic quantum tunneling in cuprate superconductors

Jens Harro Michelsen, Vitaly Shumeiko
Advances in Science and Technology. Vol. 75, p. 155-
Paper in proceeding

Quantum phase dynamics of high-Tc Josephson junctions

Jens Harro Michelsen, Vitaly Shumeiko
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 150, p. 052159-
Paper in proceeding

Manipulation with Andreev states in spin active mesoscopic Josephson junctions

Jens Harro Michelsen, Vitaly Shumeiko, Göran Wendin
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 77 (18)
Journal article

Quantum Phase Dynamics in High-Tc Josephson Junctions

Jens Harro Michelsen, Vitaly Shumeiko
25th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics
Conference poster

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