Michael Leer-Andersen

Showing 10 publications


Review and Comparison of Methods to Model Ship Hull Roughness

Jennie Andersson, Dinis Oliveira, Irma Yeginbayeva et al
Applied Ocean Research. Vol. 99
Journal article

Hydrodynamics of a Displacement Air Cavity Ship

Shiri Abolfazl, Michael Leer-Andersen, Rickard Bensow et al
29th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Gothenburg, Sweden, Aug. 2012
Paper in proceeding

An experimental/numerical approach for evaluating skin friction on full-scale ships with surface roughness

Michael Leer-Andersen, Lars Larsson
Journal of Marine Science and Technology. Vol. 8 (1)
Journal article

Amplification of ship generated wake wash due to coastal effects

Björn Allenström, Andreasson H, Michael Leer-Andersen et al

The FANTASTIC RoRo: CFD optimisation of the forebody and its experimental verification

Federicia Valdenazzi, Stefan Harries, Carl-Erik Janson et al
Proceedings of NAV2003, Palermo, Italy, 24-27 June
Other conference contribution

Calculation of deep-water wash waves using a combined Rankine/Kelvin source method

Carl-Erik Janson, Michael Leer-Andersen, Lars Larsson
Journal of Ship Research
Journal article

A Combined Rankine/Kelvin Source Method for Farfield Wash Wave Calculations

Carl-Erik Janson, Michael Leer-Andersen, Lars Larsson
International Conference on High-Performance Ships, HIPER 2001, Hamburg, 2001
Paper in proceeding

Two studies of ship flows

Michael Leer-Andersen
Licentiate thesis

Non-Interactive Optimisation of Hull Shapes with Regard to Minimising Wash Wave Height

Michael Leer-Andersen, Lars Larsson
Int. Conf. On High Performance Ships, Stellenborsch, March 1999.
Paper in proceeding

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