Mihail Serkitjis

Showing 10 publications


Med generella kompetenser i fokus:Ingenjörsfärdigheter på Chalmers Samhällsbyggnadsprogram

Mihail Serkitjis, Fia Christina Börjeson
3:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, Tekniska Högskolan vid Linköpings universitet, Norrköping, 30 november – 1 december 2011
Paper in proceeding

Towards Integrated Design for Sustainable Building. Course based on interaction between energy efficient engineering and architectural design

Michael Eden, Jan Gusten, Anne-Grete Hestnes et al
EMSU 2006. Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities. University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, USA.
Other conference contribution

Konsekvenser av luftrörelser på vindsbjälklaget

Mihail Serkitjis, Angela Sasic Kalagasidis, Paula Wahlgren
Bygg & Teknik (4), p. 17-
Magazine article

The Thermal Effects of Convection in Horizontal Insulation

Mihail Serkitjis, Paula Wahlgren, Carl-Eric Hagentoft
Proceedings 6th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Trondheim, Norge
Other conference contribution

Är vindskydd på ventilerade vindsbjälklag onödigt?

Mihail Serkitjis, Paula Wahlgren
Bygg & Teknik (2), p. 49-
Magazine article

Natural and Forced Convection in a Superposed Air and Porous Layer when Heated from below

Mihail Serkitjis, Paula Wahlgren, Carl-Eric Hagentoft
5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ExHFT-5), Thessaloniki
Other conference contribution

Convection in Horizontal Insulation

Paula Wahlgren, Mihail Serkitjis, Carl-Eric Hagentoft
Proceedings of the International Conference on Building Envelope Systems and Technologies, (ICBEST). Ottawa, Canada
Other conference contribution

Workmanship and Convective Processes in Loose-fill Attic Insulation

Paula Wahlgren, Mihail Serkitjis
Proceedings of the International Building Physics Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Other conference contribution

Inverkan av luftrörelser och arbetsutförande på värmeförluster genom vindsbjälklag

Mihail Serkitjis, Paula Wahlgren, Claes Bankvall
Bygg & Teknik (2), p. 53-
Magazine article

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