Milene Zezzi Do Valle Gomes

Showing 9 publications


Improved biocatalytic cascade conversion of CO2 to methanol by enzymes Co-immobilized in tailored siliceous mesostructured cellular foams

Milene Zezzi Do Valle Gomes, Gerard Masdeu Gámez, Patrick Eiring et al
Catalysis Science and Technology. Vol. 11 (21), p. 6952-6959
Journal article

Immobilization of bacterial feruloyl esterase on mesoporous silica particles and enhancement of synthetic activity by hydrophobic-modified surface

Sun-Li Chong, Vânia Cardoso, Joana L.A. Brás et al
Bioresource Technology. Vol. 293
Journal article

Spatial Distribution of Enzymes Immobilized in Mesoporous Silicas for Biocatalysis

Milene Zezzi Do Valle Gomes, Pegah Sadat Nabavi Zadeh, Anders Palmqvist et al
ACS Applied Nano Materials. Vol. 2 (11), p. 7245-7254
Journal article

Measuring viscosity inside mesoporous silica using protein-bound molecular rotor probe

Pegah Sadat Nabavi Zadeh, Milene Zezzi Do Valle Gomes, Maria Abrahamsson et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 20 (36), p. 23202-23213
Journal article

Förster Resonance Energy Transfer Study of the Improved Biocatalytic Conversion of CO2 to Formaldehyde by Coimmobilization of Enzymes in Siliceous Mesostructured Cellular Foams

Pegah Sadat Nabavi Zadeh, Milene Zezzi Do Valle Gomes, Björn Åkerman et al
ACS Catalysis. Vol. 8 (8), p. 7251-7260
Journal article

Immobilization of formaldehyde dehydrogenase in tailored siliceous mesostructured cellular foams and evaluation of its activity for conversion of formate to formaldehyde

Milene Zezzi Do Valle Gomes, Anders Palmqvist
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. Vol. 163, p. 41-46
Journal article

Immobilisation on mesoporous silica and solvent rinsing improve the transesterification abilities of feruloyl esterases from Myceliophthora thermophila

Silvia Hüttner, Milene Zezzi Do Valle Gomes, Laura Iancu et al
Bioresource Technology. Vol. 239, p. 57-65
Journal article

Influence of operating conditions and immobilization on activity of alcohol dehydrogenase for the conversion of formaldehyde to methanol

Milene Zezzi Do Valle Gomes, Anders Palmqvist
New Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 41 (19), p. 11391-11397
Journal article

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