Mohammad Hossein Moghaddam

Showing 7 publications


Statistical Analysis of Hardware Impairments in Communication Systems

Mohammad Hossein Moghaddam
Doctoral thesis

Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Power Amplifier Nonlinearities in Communication Systems

Mohammad Hossein Moghaddam, Sina Rezaei Aghdam, Nicolo Mazzali et al
IEEE Transactions on Communications. Vol. 70 (2), p. 822-835
Journal article

Antenna Systems for 5G mm-Wave Radio Access

Guy A. E. Vandenbosch, A. Lahuerta, Artem Roev et al
2020 50th European Microvawe conference (EUMC)
Paper in proceeding

Statistical Study of Hardware Impairments Effect on mmWave 77 GHz FMCW Automotive Radar

Mohammad Hossein Moghaddam, Sina Rezaei Aghdam, Alessio Filippi et al
IEEE National Radar Conference - Proceedings. Vol. 2020-September, p. 1-6
Paper in proceeding

An additive noise modeling technique for accurate statistical study of residual RF hardware impairments

Mohammad Hossein Moghaddam, Sina Rezaei Aghdam, Thomas Eriksson
2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2019 - Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Statistical analysis of antenna array systems with perturbations in phase, gain and element positions

Mohammad Hossein Moghaddam, Sina Rezaei Aghdam, Thomas Eriksson
GlobalSIP 2019 - 7th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Compensation of Hardware Impairments in MATE, the Chalmers mmWave MIMO Testbed

Sina Rezaei Aghdam, Mohammad Hossein Moghaddam, Koen Buisman et al
Other conference contribution

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