Muhammad Abdelhamid

Showing 9 publications


The Role of Solvated Electrons in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells

M Paronen, Muhammad Abdelhamid, Patrik Johansson
ChemElectroChem. Vol. 10 (22)
Journal article

Charge storage mechanism of α-MnO2 in protic and aprotic ionic liquid electrolytes

Simon Lindberg, Steffen Jeschke, Piotr Jankowski et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 460
Journal article

Concept and electrochemical mechanism of an Al metal anode - organic cathode battery

Jan Bitenc, Niklas Lindahl, Alen Vizintin et al
Energy Storage Materials. Vol. 24, p. 379-383
Journal article

Water-in-Bisalt Electrolyte with Record Salt Concentration and Widened Electrochemical Stability Window

Juan Forero Saboya, Elham Hosseini Bab Anari, Muhammad Abdelhamid et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Vol. 10 (17), p. 4942-4946
Journal article

Solvent-free lithium and sodium containing electrolytes based on pseudo-delocalized anions

Juan Forero Saboya, Elham Hosseini Bab Anari, Muhammad Abdelhamid et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 55 (5), p. 632-635
Journal article

A free-standing reduced graphene oxide aerogel as supporting electrode in a fluorine-free Li2S8 catholyte Li-S battery

Carmen Cavallo, Marco Agostini, James P. Genders et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 416, p. 111-117
Journal article

Structural, Spectroscopic, and Electrochemical Characterization of Semi-Conducting, Solvated [Pt(NH 3 ) 4 ](TCNQ) 2 ·(DMF) 2 and Non-Solvated [Pt(NH 3 ) 4 ](TCNQ) 2

J. Lu, A. Nafady, B.F. Abrahams et al
Australian Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 70 (9), p. 997-1005
Journal article

Electropolymerisation of N-Ethylanilinium Trifluoroacetate Ionic Liquid into Poly(N-Ethylaniline) and Control of its Morphology

Muhammad Abdelhamid, G. A. Snook, T. L. Greaves et al
Australian Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 70 (9), p. 985-989
Journal article

On the Feasibility of Sodium Metal as Pseudo-Reference Electrode in Solid State Electrochemical Cells

Andrea Boschin, Muhammad Abdelhamid, Patrik Johansson
ChemElectroChem. Vol. 4 (10), p. 2717-2721
Journal article

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