Khac-Hoang Ngo
Showing 23 publications
Type-Based Unsourced Multiple Access
Secure Aggregation Is Not Private Against Membership Inference Attacks
Unsourced Multiple Access With Common Alarm Messages: Network Slicing for Massive and Critical IoT
On Local Mutual-Information Privacy
Joint Communications and Sensing Design for Multi-Carrier MIMO Systems
Age of Information in Slotted ALOHA With Energy Harvesting
Sparse Bayesian Learning with Atom Refinement for mmWave MIMO Channel Estimation
Unsourced Multiple Access With Random User Activity
Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA Over the Binary Adder Channel
Joint Constellation Design for Noncoherent MIMO Multiple-Access Channels
Transmit Correlation Diversity: Generalization, New Techniques, and Improved Bounds
Unsourced Multiple Access for Heterogeneous Traffic Requirements
Massive Uncoordinated Access with Random User Activity
Two-User MIMO Broadcast Channel with Transmit Correlation Diversity: Achievable Rate Regions
A Generalized Gaussian Model for Wireless Communications
Age of Information in Prioritized Random Access
The Optimal DoF for the Noncoherent MIMO Channel with Generic Block Fading
Noncoherent MIMO Multiple-Access Channels: A Joint Constellation Design
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