Niklas Fransson

Showing 23 publications


Thermal comfort in the supermarket environment – multiple enquiry methods and simultaneous measurements of the thermal environment

Ulla Lindberg, Per Fahlén, Monica Axell et al
International Journal of Refrigeration. Vol. 82, p. 426-435
Journal article

Supermarket Environment, Thermal Comfort, Energy and Food Quality Efficiency

Ulla Lindberg, Per Fahlén, Monica Axell et al
Science et technique du froid. Vol. 2016-January, p. 391-398
Paper in proceeding

Thermal Comfort in the Supermarket Environment - Multiple Enquiry Methods and Simultaneous Measurements of the Thermal Environment

Ulla Lindberg, Per Fahlén, Monica Axell et al
Science et technique du froid. Vol. 2016-January, p. 41-48
Paper in proceeding

Stress recovery during exposure to preferred and non-preferred environmental noise

Penny Bergman, Daniel Västfjäll, Anders Sköld et al
10th International Congress of ICBEN, The International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise
Paper in proceeding

Sound preference as a moderator to restorative environments

Penny Bergman, Daniel Västfjäll, Anders Sköld et al
Proceedings - 6th Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, 27 June - 1 July 2011, p. 1065-1068
Paper in proceeding

Indoor thermal environment in supermarkets - comparison of measured and perceived comfort parameters

Ulla Lindberg, Monica Axell, Per Fahlén et al
10th REHVA World congress Clima 2010 Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings
Paper in proceeding

A cognitive-representational account of intuitive moral judgment: Effects of typicality and accessibility

Niklas Fransson, Karl Ask
Open Psychology Journal. Vol. 3, p. 67-75
Journal article

Perceptual and emotional categorization of sound

Penny Bergman, Anders Sköld, Daniel Västfjäll et al
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 126 (6), p. 3156-3167
Journal article

Emoacoustics: sound character versus source meaning in emotional responses to sounds

Penny Bergman, Daniel Västfjäll, Erkin Asutay et al
Icben 2008
Conference poster

Emotion and meaning in interpretation of sound sources

Penny Bergman, Daniel Västfjäll, Niklas Fransson et al
7th European Conference on Noise Control 2008, EURONOISE 2008, Paris, France, 29 June - 4 July 2008, p. 3925-3929
Paper in proceeding

Emotion and meaning in interpretation of sound sources

Penny Bergman, Daniel Västfjäll, Niklas Fransson et al
Journal of Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 123, p. 3567-
Journal article

Appropriate indoor environment in supermarkets for environmentally sustainable supermarkets - Measurements and questionnaires

Ulla Lindberg, Monica Axell, Per Fahlén et al
Indoor Air 2008, Copenhagen, Danmark
Paper in proceeding

Supermarkets, indoor climate and energy efficiency - Field measurements before and after installation of doors on refrigerated cases

Ulla Lindberg, Monica Axell, Per Fahlén et al
International Refirgeration and Air Conditioning Conference, Purdue, USA
Paper in proceeding

In search of the comfortable indoor environment: A comparison of the utility of objective and subjective indicators of indoor comfort.

Niklas Fransson, Daniel Västfjäll, Jennie Skoog
Building and Environment. Vol. 42 (5), p. 1886-1890
Journal article

Appropriate indoor air climate for environmentally sustainable supermarkets ? Field measurements

Ulla Lindberg, Monica Axell, Per Fahlén et al
Proceedings 22nd International World Congress on Refrigeration, Beijing, China
Paper in proceeding

Multimodal interaction in perception of truck environments

Anders Genell, Daniel Västfjäll, Niklas Fransson
International Journal of Vehicle Sound and Vibration
Magazine article

Energianvändning, innemiljö och beteendevetenskap - Fas II: Behov och behovsstyrning

Per Fahlén, Niklas Fransson, Jan Gusten et al

Thermal Environment in Swedish Hospitals - Summer and Winter Measurements

Jennie Skoog, Niklas Fransson, Lennart Jagemar
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 37, p. 872-877
Journal article

Thermal environment in Swedish hospitals: Summer and winter measurements

J Skoog, Niklas Fransson, L Jagemar
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 37 (8), p. 872-877
Journal article

Users'Perceptions - Experiences from Swedish and Danish Office Buildings

Niklas Fransson, Lennart Jagemar
CIBSE meeting Closing the Loop: Ways Forward for Post Occupancy Evaluation
Paper in proceeding

Indoor Environment in Hospital Wards: A Study in a Swedish Hospital

Jennie Skoog, Lennart Jagemar, Niklas Fransson et al
ASHRAE IAQ 2004 - Critical Operations: Supporting the Healing Environment through IAQ Performance Standards. Vol. 1
Paper in proceeding

Environment in Hospital Wards: A Study in a Swedish Hospital

J Skoog, Niklas Fransson, L Jagemar et al
Proceeding to IAQ 2004 – Critical Operations: Supporting the Healing Environment through IAQ Performance Standards. Tampa, Florida.
Paper in proceeding

Exploring the cognitive structure of moral values: Evidence from reaction-time experiments

Karl Ask, Niklas Fransson
The IXth International Social Justice Conference, Skövde, Sweden, June 17-20
Paper in proceeding

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