Niklas Fransson
Visar 23 publikationer
Supermarket Environment, Thermal Comfort, Energy and Food Quality Efficiency
Stress recovery during exposure to preferred and non-preferred environmental noise
Sound preference as a moderator to restorative environments
Indoor thermal environment in supermarkets - comparison of measured and perceived comfort parameters
Perceptual and emotional categorization of sound
Emoacoustics: sound character versus source meaning in emotional responses to sounds
Emotion and meaning in interpretation of sound sources
Emotion and meaning in interpretation of sound sources
Appropriate indoor air climate for environmentally sustainable supermarkets ? Field measurements
Multimodal interaction in perception of truck environments
Energianvändning, innemiljö och beteendevetenskap - Fas II: Behov och behovsstyrning
Thermal Environment in Swedish Hospitals - Summer and Winter Measurements
Thermal environment in Swedish hospitals: Summer and winter measurements
Users'Perceptions - Experiences from Swedish and Danish Office Buildings
Indoor Environment in Hospital Wards: A Study in a Swedish Hospital
Environment in Hospital Wards: A Study in a Swedish Hospital
Exploring the cognitive structure of moral values: Evidence from reaction-time experiments
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