Juan Pablo Farias Osses

Showing 12 publications


Star cluster formation from turbulent clumps - IV. Protoplanetary disc evolution

Aayush Gautam, Juan Pablo Farias Osses, Jonathan Tan
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 536 (1), p. 298-313
Journal article

Star cluster formation from turbulent clumps – III. Across the mass spectrum

Juan Pablo Farias Osses, Jonathan Tan
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 523 (2), p. 2083-2110
Journal article

The SOFIA Massive (SOMA) Star Formation Survey. IV. Isolated Protostars

Rubén Fedriani, Jonathan Tan, Zoie Telkamp et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 942 (1)
Journal article

Are hierarchically formed embedded star clusters surviving gas expulsion depending on their initial conditions?

R. Dominguez, Juan Pablo Farias Osses, M. Fellhauer et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 508 (4), p. 5410-5424
Journal article

The Dynamics of Star Cluster Formation

Juan Pablo Farias Osses
Doctoral thesis

Hunting for Runaways from the Orion Nebula Cluster

Juan Pablo Farias Osses, Jonathan Tan, Laurent Eyer
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 900 (1)
Journal article

The High-mass Protostellar Population of a Massive Infrared Dark Cloud

Emily Moser, Mengyao Liu, Jonathan Tan et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 897 (2)
Journal article

Star cluster formation from turbulent clumps. II. Gradual star cluster formation

Juan Pablo Farias Osses, Jonathan Tan, Sourav Chatterjee
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 483 (4), p. 4999-5019
Journal article

Gas expulsion in highly substructured embedded star clusters

Juan Pablo Farias Osses, M. Fellhauer, R. Smith et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 476 (4), p. 5341-5357
Journal article

Th Dynamics of Star Cluster Formation

Juan Pablo Farias Osses
Licentiate thesis

On the formation of runaway stars BN and x in the Orion Nebula Cluster

Juan Pablo Farias Osses, Jonathan Tan
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 612
Journal article

Star Cluster Formation from Turbulent Clumps. I. The Fast Formation Limit

Juan Pablo Farias Osses, Jonathan Tan, Sourav Chatterjee
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 838 (2)
Journal article

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