Patrik Albin
Associate professor in mathematical statistics

Showing 24 publications
Problems and Solutions in Stochastic Calculus with Applications
On the Asymptotic Behaviour of Superexponential Lévy Processes
On covariance functions with slowly or regularly varying modulo of continuity
On extreme value theory for group stationary Gaussian processes
Extremes and limit theorems for difference of chi-type processes
A New Proof of an Old Result by Pickands
On the asymptotic behaviour of L\'evy processes, Part I: Subexponential and exponential processes
A note on the closure of convolution power mixtures (random sums) of exponential distributions
A continuous non-Brownian motion martingale with Brownian motion marginal distributions
On lower tail probabilities of positive random sums
On a test statistic for linear trend
On overload in a storage model, with a self-similar and infinitely divisible input
On sampling of stationary increments processes
On the asymptotic distribution of a statistic for test of appearance of linear trend
Extremes and upcrossing intensities for P-differentiable stationary processes
Extremes for smooth non-anticipating moving averages of totally skewed α-stable motion
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