Per Bergström

Showing 6 publications


The dry-to-wet transition of fiber networks-Return to mechanical stability

Per Bergström, Charlotta Hanson, Henrik Ström et al
AICHE Journal. Vol. 69 (9)
Journal article

Mechanical and fluid-transport properties of fiber networks - fundamental differences between dry and wet networks

Per Bergström, Henrik Ström, Charlotta Hanson et al
Other conference contribution

Uniaxial compression of fibre networks – the synergetic effect of adhesion and elastoplasticity on non-reversible deformation

Per Bergström, Charlotta Hanson, Henrik Ström et al
Powder Technology. Vol. 395, p. 301-313
Journal article

Scaling behaviour of strength of 3D-, semi-flexible-, cross-linked fibre network

Per Bergström, Shakhawath Hossain, Tetsu Uesaka
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 166, p. 67-74
Journal article

Uniaxial compression of three-dimensional entangled fibre networks: impacts of contact interactions

Shakhawath Hossain, Per Bergström, Tetsu Uesaka
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 27
Journal article

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