Per Hård af Segerstad

Showing 13 publications


Computational modelling of dissipative open-cell cellular solids at finite deformations

Per Hård af Segerstad, Staffan Toll, Ragnar Larsson
International Journal of Plasticity. Vol. 25 (5), p. 802-821
Journal article

A micropolar theory for the finite elasticity of open-cell cellular solids

Per Hård af Segerstad, Staffan Toll, Ragnar Larsson
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Vol. 465 (2103), p. 843-865
Paper in proceeding

Open cell cellular solids: A constitutive equation for hyperelasticity with deformation induced anisotropy

Per Hård af Segerstad, Staffan Toll
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 45, p. 1978-1992
Journal article

Nonlinear micromechanics of open-cell cellular solids

Per Hård af Segerstad
Doctoral thesis

A constitutive equation for open-cell cellular solids, including viscoplasticity, damage and deformation induced anisotropy

Per Hård af Segerstad, Ragnar Larsson, Staffan Toll
International Journal of Plasticity. Vol. 24 (5), p. 896-914
Journal article

On the modelling of open-cell cellular solids subjected to high compressive deformations

Per Hård af Segerstad, Ragnar Larsson, Staffan Toll
Proceedings of the 20th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 23-24 November, Gothenburg, Sweden
Other conference contribution

An approach to model dissipative open-cell cellular solids at finite deformation

Per Hård af Segerstad, Ragnar Larsson, Staffan Toll
Euromech Colloquium 489 - "Modelling Multiphase Materials", Chalmers, Göteborg, Sweden, Sept. 19 - 21
Other conference contribution

Micromechanical model of a dissipative open-cell cellular solid

Per Hård af Segerstad, Ragnar Larsson, Staffan Toll
Proceedings of the 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Budapest
Other conference contribution

Micro-mechanical model of a viscoplastic open-cell foam

Per Hård af Segerstad, Ragnar Larsson, Staffan Toll
Proc. 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2006), 28 Aug. - 1 Sept. 2006, Budapest, Hungary
Paper in proceeding

Micro-mechanical model of a viscoplastic open-cell foam

Per Hård af Segerstad, Ragnar Larsson, Staffan Toll
Computational Plasticity VIII - Fundamentals and applications, D.R.J. Owen, E. Onate, and B. Suarez, CIMNE, Barcelona, p. 755-758
Paper in proceeding

Nonlinear micromechanics of open-cell cellular solids

Per Hård af Segerstad
Licentiate thesis

Micromechanical model of a hyperelastic open-cell foam

Per Hård af Segerstad, Staffan Toll
Poromechanics III, Biot Centennial Conference, Oclahoma City, May 24-27, 2005, p. 101-107
Paper in proceeding

Micromechanical model of a viscoplastic open-cell foam

Per Hård af Segerstad, Ragnar Larsson, Staffan Toll
Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS VIII, Barcelona
Other conference contribution

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