Peter Fredriksson

Showing 29 publications


Strategy work in a large construction company: personified strategies as drivers för change

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg et al
6th Nordic conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, 13-15 April, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Paper in proceeding

Integrating Sustainble Development into Operations Management Courses

Peter Fredriksson, Magnus Persson
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Vol. 12 (3), p. 236-249
Journal article

Integrating sustainable development into operations management courses

Peter Fredriksson, Magnus Persson
Proceedings of 16th International Annual EurOMA Conference, June 14-17, Göteborg
Paper in proceeding

Cooperating and competing in supply networks: Making sense of a triadic sourcing strategy

Anna Dubois, Peter Fredriksson
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. Vol. 14 (3)
Journal article

Supply Network Effects of Construction Companies' Sourcing from Low-Cost Countries

Lars Bankvall, Peter Fredriksson
proceedings of the 16th IPSERA conference, April 1-4, Bath.
Magazine article

Mechanisms and Rationales for the Coordination of a Modular Assembly System: The Case of Volvo Cars

Peter Fredriksson
International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Vol. 26 (4), p. 350-370
Journal article

Att välja sourcingstrategi

Peter Fredriksson, Patrik Jonsson
Intelligent logistik. Vol. 1 (6), p. 29-34
Magazine article

Operations and logistics issues in modular assembly processes: cases from the automotive sector

Peter Fredriksson
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 17 (2), p. 168-186
Journal article

Cooperation and conflict in modular production and supplier parks

Peter Fredriksson
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management. Vol. 6 (3), p. 298-314
Journal article

Co-operating and competing in supply networks: Making sense of a triadic sourcing strategy

Anna Dubois, Peter Fredriksson
Third International Urbino Workshop on Business Markets
Other conference contribution

Modular supply in the Swedish automotive sector

Peter Fredriksson
Company strategies and organisational evolution in the automotive sector: a worldwide perspective, , Peter Lang, Berlin. / edited by A. Bardi, F. Garibaldo, p. 159-180
Book chapter

Flexibility and rigidity in customization and build-to-order production

Peter Fredriksson, Lars-Erik Gadde
Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 34 (7), p. 695-705
Journal article

Organising and coordinating activity structures for build-to-order production

Peter Fredriksson, Lars-Erik Gadde
Proceedings of the 20th IMP Conference, Copenhagen, September 2-4.
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of supplier performance - the case of Volvo Car Corporation and its module suppliers

Peter Fredriksson, Lars-Erik Gadde
Proceedings of the 19th IMP Conference, Lugano, September 4-6.
Paper in proceeding

The Evaluation of Supplier Performance: A Case Study of Volvo Cars and its Module Suppliers

Peter Fredriksson, Luis Araujo
Journal of Customer Behaviour. Vol. 2 (3), p. 365-384
Journal article

Organizing activities in industrial networks: The case of Volvo S80

Fredrik Von Corswant, Anna Dubois, Peter Fredriksson
Managing Boundaries in Organizations: Multiple Perspectives, p. 129-146
Book chapter

Organisering av aktiviteter i industriella nätverk - Fallet Volvo S80

Fredrik Von Corswant, Anna Dubois, Peter Fredriksson
Nordiske Organisasjons Studier. Vol. 3 (4), p. 39-60
Journal article

Principer för verksamhetsutvärdering - Erfarenheter från Toyotas cockpit-flöde

Peter Fredriksson
Nya Bättre Produktivitet
Magazine article

Analys av sekvensstyrda modulflöden

Peter Fredriksson
Management of Technology (4), p. 6-7
Magazine article

Modular assembly in the car industry - an analysis of organizational forms' influence on performance

Peter Fredriksson
European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. Vol. 8 (4), p. 221-233
Journal article

Sourcing trends in the car industry - a survey of car manufacturers' and suppliers' strategies and relations

Fredrik Von Corswant, Peter Fredriksson
International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol. 22 (7), p. 741-758
Journal article

Organising Activities in Industrial Networks - The case of Volvo S80

Fredrik Von Corswant, Anna Dubois, Peter Fredriksson
Proceedings of the 17th IMP Conference, Oslo, September 9-11
Paper in proceeding

Managing interdependencies in buyer-supplier partnerships

Peter Fredriksson, Fredrik Von Corswant, Anna Dubois
In proceedings of the POM-conference, Orlando.
Other conference contribution

On assessing supplier partners – lessons learned from the development of an assessment-tool

Peter Fredriksson
In proceedings of the 3rd Int. conference in Operations and Quantitative Management, Sydney.
Other conference contribution

Trends in the global automotive industry – a survey study of OEM and supplier strategies and relations

Peter Fredriksson, Fredrik Von Corswant
In proceedings of the POM-conference, San Antonio.
Other conference contribution

Managing Satellite Factories during Production Start-up

Peter Fredriksson
In proceedings of the 6th Int. EurOMA Conference, Venice.
Other conference contribution

Exploring Suppliers' Influence on Production Start-up

Peter Fredriksson, Jan Linder
In proceedings of the 5th Int. EurOMA Conference, Dublin.
Other conference contribution

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