Peter Fredriksson
Showing 29 publications
Strategy work in a large construction company: personified strategies as drivers för change
Integrating Sustainble Development into Operations Management Courses
Integrating sustainable development into operations management courses
Cooperating and competing in supply networks: Making sense of a triadic sourcing strategy
Supply Network Effects of Construction Companies' Sourcing from Low-Cost Countries
Mechanisms and Rationales for the Coordination of a Modular Assembly System: The Case of Volvo Cars
Operations and logistics issues in modular assembly processes: cases from the automotive sector
Cooperation and conflict in modular production and supplier parks
Co-operating and competing in supply networks: Making sense of a triadic sourcing strategy
Modular supply in the Swedish automotive sector
Flexibility and rigidity in customization and build-to-order production
Organising and coordinating activity structures for build-to-order production
Evaluation of supplier performance - the case of Volvo Car Corporation and its module suppliers
The Evaluation of Supplier Performance: A Case Study of Volvo Cars and its Module Suppliers
Organizing activities in industrial networks: The case of Volvo S80
Organisering av aktiviteter i industriella nätverk - Fallet Volvo S80
Principer för verksamhetsutvärdering - Erfarenheter från Toyotas cockpit-flöde
A Framework for Analyzing the Operative Performance of Sequential Module Flows
Analys av sekvensstyrda modulflöden
Modular assembly in the car industry - an analysis of organizational forms' influence on performance
Organising Activities in Industrial Networks - The case of Volvo S80
Managing interdependencies in buyer-supplier partnerships
On assessing supplier partners lessons learned from the development of an assessment-tool
Managing Satellite Factories during Production Start-up
Exploring Suppliers' Influence on Production Start-up
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