Alejandro Pradas Gómez
Alex is part of the Systems Engineering Design research group.
The aim of his research is to help engineers to become more efficient at designing complex products by using automation techniques. In particular, he focuses on how Generative AI can support the automation of design activities that were not possible to automate before. This will help both traditional configurations and new technology solutions aiming to stop the environmental impact associated with air travel.

Showing 7 publications
Design Automation techniques for the accelerated design of aerospace components
Large language models in complex system design
Evaluation of Different Large Language Model Agent Frameworks for Design Engineering Tasks
Design automation strategies for aerospace components during conceptual design phases
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Showing 2 research projects
Explorative the potential benefit of Systems Modelling State of the art Design Tools (EXPEED)
DEFAINE (Design Exploration Framework based onAI for froNt-loaded Engineering)