Joel Rasch
Showing 32 publications
Simulating GPS Radio Occultation
Simple model of the rf noise generated by multipacting electrons
General Study of Multipactor Between Curved Metal Surfaces
An approximate general model for multipactor in curved geometries
Preliminary results on the Multipactor effect prediction in RF components with ferrites
Multipactor breakdown in microwave pulses
Reduction of the Multipactor Threshold Due to Electron Cyclotron Resonance
Microwave breakdown due to heating of an irradiated metal sphere
Non-resonant multipactor - A statistical model
On the thermal balance of a small spherical microwave breakdown region in atmospheric Air
Study of the multipactor avalanche in two-wire transmission line
Multipactor and corona breakdown in inhomogeneous microwave fields
The nonlinear evolution of a small spherical microwave breakdown in air
Simulations of Multipactor Breakdown Between Two Cylinders
Microwave corona breakdown around helix antennas in air
Non-resonant multipactor calculations
Microwave multipactor in open two-wire transmission systems
Microwave multipactor breakdown in helix antennas, theory and simulations
Microwave breakdown in space borne rf equipment
On the microwave breakdown stability of a spherical hot spot in air
Thermal Stability of a Plasma in a Homogeneous Microwave Field in Air
Galerkin approach to approximate solutions of some nonlinear oscillator equations
Multipactor breakdown in open two-wire transmission lines
Microwave multipactor breakdown between two cylinders
Microwave breakdown in a gas-filled rectangular resonator cavity
Microwave Corona Breakdown in rf Devices
Gas breakdown in inhomogenous microwave electric fields
Microwave Corona Breakdown in Strongly Inhomogeneous Fields
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Showing 1 research projects
Predikterbar prestanda för GNSS Applikationer. NRFP 2 (dnr 89:13)