Rashida Kasauli
Showing 16 publications
Requirements engineering challenges and practices in large-scale agile system development
Requirements engineering challenges and practices in large-scale agile system development
Managing Traceability Information Models: Not Such a Simple Task After All?
Requirements Engineering that Balances Agility of Teams and System-level Information Needs at Scale
Agile Islands in a Waterfall Environment: Challenges and Strategies in Automotive
Requirements Engineering Challenges of Supporting Agile Teams in System Development
T-Reqs: Tool support for managing requirements in large-scale agile system development
Safety-Critical Systems and Agile Development: A Mapping Study
Quality Requirements in Agile as a Knowledge Management Problem: More than Just-in-Time
Adding value every sprint: A case study on large-scale continuous requirements engineering
Requirements engineering for large scale agile systems development
Requirements Engineering Challenges in Large-Scale Agile System Development
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