Jonas Laukkonen Ravn

Postdoc at Industrial Biotechnology

Dr. Jonas Ravn has a MSc in Biotechnology from Copenhagen University and an Industrial PhD. from Novozymes and the Department of Bacteriology & Pathology at Ghent University, Belgium.

His research is centered around understanding how microbes and enzymatically break down complex plant polysaccharides during natural carbon cycling and fermentation. In his PhD, he developed and applied recombinant enzymes targeting dietary fibers to study their prebiotic function in animal health. At Novozymes, he also developed microscopy visualization tools and automated high-throughput screening technology for enzyme stability and activity.

His postodoctoral research focused on exploring the role of wild xylanolytic yeast in nature and their enzyme machinery. Inspired by these enzyme systems, he has designed S. cerevisiae cell factories using CRISPR/Cas9 technology that through fermentation convert xylan rich lignocellulosic side streams from agriculture and forestry into valuble bioproducts.

Image of Jonas Laukkonen Ravn

Showing 6 publications


Deciphering heterogeneous enzymatic surface reactions on xylan using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy

Jana B. Schaubeder, Peter Fürk, Richard Amering et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 337
Journal article

Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for targeted hydrolysis and fermentation of glucuronoxylan through CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing

Jonas Laukkonen Ravn, João Heitor Colombelli Manfrão Netto, Jana B. Schaubeder et al
Microbial Cell Factories. Vol. 23 (85)
Journal article

Yeasts Have Evolved Divergent Enzyme Strategies To Deconstruct and Metabolize Xylan

Jonas Ravn, Amanda Sörensen Ristinmaa, Tom Coleman et al
Microbiology spectrum. Vol. 11 (3)
Journal article

Cellulose- and xylan-degrading yeasts: Enzymes, applications and biotechnological potential

Katarína Šuchová, Csaba Fehér, Jonas Ravn et al
Biotechnology Advances. Vol. 59
Review article

Xylan-cellulose thin film platform for assessing xylanase activity

Jana B. Schaubeder, Jonas Ravn, Eliott Jean Quentin Orzan et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 294
Journal article

CAZyme prediction in ascomycetous yeast genomes guides discovery of novel xylanolytic species with diverse capacities for hemicellulose hydrolysis

Jonas Ravn, Martin Engqvist, Johan Larsbrink et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Tailormade glucuronoxylan-yeast cell factory by CRISPR engineering för precision fermentation of xylan waste streams into valuable bio-products

Cecilia Geijer Industrial Biotechnology
Jonas Ravn Industrial Biotechnology
Novo Nordisk Foundation

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