Carolina Resende Haddad

Showing 8 publications


Towards an integrated framework for evaluating transformative innovation policy

Carolina Resende Haddad, Anna Bergek
Research Policy. Vol. 52
Journal article

Evaluating Transformative Innovation Policy Outcomes as Unfolding Processes Of Change In Socio-Technical Configurations

Anna Bergek, Carolina Resende Haddad
Transformative Metrics: Contributions to the Studies for Monitoring and Evaluating How Science, Technology, and Innovation Can Address Social and Environmental Challenges, p. 63-105
Book chapter

Transformative innovation policy: A systematic review

Carolina Resende Haddad, Valentina Nakic, Anna Bergek et al
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 43, p. 14-40
Journal article

A functions approach for evaluating transformative innovation policy

Carolina Resende Haddad, Anna Bergek
IST 2020 Book of abstracts, p. 284-
Other conference contribution

A functions approach for evaluating transformative innovation policy: indicators and metrics

Carolina Resende Haddad, Anna Bergek
Other conference contribution

The policymaking process of transformative innovation policy: a systematic review

Carolina Resende Haddad, Valentina Nakic, Anna Bergek et al
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4)
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


System innovation for societal challenges: A strategic knowledge platform

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Valentina Nakic Environmental Systems Analysis
Carolina Resende Haddad Environmental Systems Analysis
Anna Bergek Environmental Systems Analysis

8 publications exist
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