Roger Johansson

Assistant Head of Department at Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)

Image of Roger Johansson

Showing 11 publications


Light-Weight Techniques for Improving the Controllability and Efficiency of ISA-Level Fault Injection Tools

Behrooz Sangchoolie, Roger Johansson, Johan Karlsson
Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, PRDC, p. 68-77
Paper in proceeding

A Comparison of Inject-on-Read and Inject-on-Write in ISA-Level Fault Injection

Behrooz Sangchoolie, Fatemeh Ayatolahi, Roger Johansson et al
Paper in proceeding

Expressive writing in Swedish 15-year-olds with reading and writing difficulties

Åsa Wengelin, Victoria Johansson, Roger Johansson
Arfé, B., Dockrell, J. & Berninger, V. (Red.) Writing development in children with hearing loss, dyslexia or oral language problems, p. 244-256
Book chapter

A Study of the Impact of Bit-flip Errors on Programs Compiled with Different Optimization Levels

Behrooz Sangchoolie, Fatemeh Ayatolahi, Roger Johansson et al
10th European Dependable Computing Conference, EDCC 2014; Newcastle upon Tyne; United Kingdom; 13 May 2014 through 16 May 2014;, p. 146-157
Paper in proceeding

Benchmarking the Hardware Error Sensitivity of Machine Instructions

Behrooz Sangchoolie, Fatemeh Ayatolahi, Raul Barbosa et al
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic - System Effects (SELSE 9)
Paper in proceeding

Tala läsa skriva

Victoria Johansson, Jana Holsanova, Roger Johansson et al
Johansson, V., Carling, G., & Holmer A. (red.) Språket, människan och världen. Människans språk 1-2., p. 53-72
Book chapter

A Study of the Impact of Single Bit-Flip and Double Bit- Flip Errors on Program Execution

Fatemeh Ayatolahi, Behrooz Sangchoolie, Roger Johansson et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 8153 LNCS
Paper in proceeding

On the Impact of Hardware Faults – An Investigation of the Relationship between Workload Inputs and Failure Mode Distributions

Domenico Di Leo, Fatemeh Ayatolahi, Behrooz Sangchoolie et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 7612, p. 198-209
Paper in proceeding

A new method to evaluate future impact of vehicle safety technology in Sweden.

Johan Strandroth, Simon Sternlund, Claes Tingvall et al
Stapp car crash journal. Vol. 56, p. 497-509
Magazine article

RedCAN ™ : Simulations of two Fault Recovery Algorithms for CAN

Håkan Sivencrona, Torbjörn Olsson, Roger Johansson et al
10th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2004), Papeete, FR POLYNESIA. MAR 03-05, 2004, p. 302-311
Paper in proceeding

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