Ruben Seyer

Doctoral Student at Applied Mathematics and Statistics

My interests lie at the intersection of Bayesian inference and machine learning, where I will work on computational methods for statistics. I am particularly interested in applications within spatial statistics and point processes. Thus far I have focused on stochastic gradient methods and piecewise deterministic Markov processes.

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Showing 1 publications


Differentiating Metropolis-Hastings to Optimize Intractable Densities

Gaurav Arya, Ruben Seyer, Frank Schäfer et al
Other conference contribution

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Showing 2 research projects


Fast Bayesian Inference with Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes

Ruben Seyer Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Moritz Schauer Applied Mathematics and Statistics
National Academic Infrastructure for Super­computing in Sweden


Inference in the face of intractability: Bayesian applications of continuous-time Markov processes

Ruben Seyer Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Moritz Schauer Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Aila Särkkä Applied Mathematics and Statistics
University of Gothenburg

1 publication exists
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