Said Irandoust

Showing 16 publications


How can mathematics Suport a Deeper Learning Approach in Applied Engineering Subjects

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
Global Journal of Engineering Education
Journal article

Forms of examination – Effects on the way students approach a learning strategy”,

Said Irandoust, Claes Niklasson
conf preceeding Manilla 2000
Paper in proceeding

Attracting Students to the Professions of Engineering with Special Attention to Female Students, a Swedish Perspective

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
¤th Baltic region Seminar Engn.
Paper in proceeding

Learning about learning

Michael Christie, Magnus Hultén, Said Irandoust et al
Conference Proceedings,4ht Baltic Regional Seminar on Engineering Education Lyngby,Denmark 1-3 September 2000
Other conference contribution

“Do national quality audits enhance quality at institutional level ? Experience from Chalmers University of Technology”

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
conf preceedings- 2nd Global conf on Engineering Education, Wismar,
Other conference contribution

New education in Mathematics - Implications for Engineering Subjects

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
3rd UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, University of Tasmania, Hobart Australia
Paper in proceeding

“Environmentally Sustainable Process Technology” An international Master’s programme at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden: Experiences from the start up, realisation and evaluation of a new education in Sweden

Claes Niklasson, Mohammad Shahriari, Hans Theliander et al
Proceeding of “International Millennial Conference on Engineering Education IMCEE, 27-29 January 2000, Manila – Philippines
Paper in proceeding

Introductory document: An Efficient tool to enhance student´s motivation for engineering subjects.

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
2nd UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Auckland, Nya Zeeland, Conf. proc.
Paper in proceeding

The web as a tool for supporting Student Learning in Chemical Reaction Engineering

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
Global Journal Of Engineering Education
Journal article

Environmentally Sustainable Process Technology” An international Master’s program at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden: formulation, performance and evaluation of case studies

Said Irandoust, Mohammad Shahriari, Claes Niklasson
the proceeding of the 3rd Baltic Region seminar on Engineering Education, 3-5 September 1999, Göteborg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Waste water treatment: a case study for international master’s program “ environmentally Sustainable Process Technology”

Mohammad Shahriari, Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
proceeding of the 5th conference of environmental education, April 15-17 1999 – Zurich, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

Computerbased assignments supporting deeper learning approaches

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
2nd UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Auckland, Nya Zeeland, Conf. proc.
Paper in proceeding

Chemical Engineering on WWW: An effort to increase the learning outcomes

Mikael Larsson, J Edvardsson, Björn Westerberg et al
2nd Global Congress on Engineering Education, Cracow, Poland,.
Paper in proceeding

Laboratory teaching in Chemical Reaction Engineering - A comparison between teacher aims and student apprehension

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
1st UICEE, Conf. proc Monasch Melbourne
Paper in proceeding

Datorstödd självinlärnig

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
Kvalitet och förbättringsarbete Uppsala
Other conference contribution

Activated Learning Through Computer- Assisted Self-Studies

Said Irandoust, Shirley Booth, Claes Niklasson
3rd East west Congress on Engineering Education Gdynia, polen,, p. 29-32
Paper in proceeding

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