Said Irandoust

Visar 16 publikationer


How can mathematics Suport a Deeper Learning Approach in Applied Engineering Subjects

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
Global Journal of Engineering Education
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Attracting Students to the Professions of Engineering with Special Attention to Female Students, a Swedish Perspective

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
¤th Baltic region Seminar Engn.
Paper i proceeding

Learning about learning

Michael Christie, Magnus Hultén, Said Irandoust et al
Conference Proceedings,4ht Baltic Regional Seminar on Engineering Education Lyngby,Denmark 1-3 September 2000
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Forms of examination – Effects on the way students approach a learning strategy”,

Said Irandoust, Claes Niklasson
conf preceeding Manilla 2000
Paper i proceeding

“Do national quality audits enhance quality at institutional level ? Experience from Chalmers University of Technology”

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
conf preceedings- 2nd Global conf on Engineering Education, Wismar,
Övrigt konferensbidrag

New education in Mathematics - Implications for Engineering Subjects

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
3rd UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, University of Tasmania, Hobart Australia
Paper i proceeding

“Environmentally Sustainable Process Technology” An international Master’s programme at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden: Experiences from the start up, realisation and evaluation of a new education in Sweden

Claes Niklasson, Mohammad Shahriari, Hans Theliander et al
Proceeding of “International Millennial Conference on Engineering Education IMCEE, 27-29 January 2000, Manila – Philippines
Paper i proceeding

The web as a tool for supporting Student Learning in Chemical Reaction Engineering

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
Global Journal Of Engineering Education
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Introductory document: An Efficient tool to enhance student´s motivation for engineering subjects.

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
2nd UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Auckland, Nya Zeeland, Conf. proc.
Paper i proceeding

Computerbased assignments supporting deeper learning approaches

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
2nd UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Auckland, Nya Zeeland, Conf. proc.
Paper i proceeding

Environmentally Sustainable Process Technology” An international Master’s program at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden: formulation, performance and evaluation of case studies

Said Irandoust, Mohammad Shahriari, Claes Niklasson
the proceeding of the 3rd Baltic Region seminar on Engineering Education, 3-5 September 1999, Göteborg, Sweden
Paper i proceeding

Waste water treatment: a case study for international master’s program “ environmentally Sustainable Process Technology”

Mohammad Shahriari, Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
proceeding of the 5th conference of environmental education, April 15-17 1999 – Zurich, Switzerland
Paper i proceeding

Laboratory teaching in Chemical Reaction Engineering - A comparison between teacher aims and student apprehension

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
1st UICEE, Conf. proc Monasch Melbourne
Paper i proceeding

Chemical Engineering on WWW: An effort to increase the learning outcomes

Mikael Larsson, J Edvardsson, Björn Westerberg et al
2nd Global Congress on Engineering Education, Cracow, Poland,.
Paper i proceeding

Datorstödd självinlärnig

Claes Niklasson, Said Irandoust
Kvalitet och förbättringsarbete Uppsala
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Activated Learning Through Computer- Assisted Self-Studies

Said Irandoust, Shirley Booth, Claes Niklasson
3rd East west Congress on Engineering Education Gdynia, polen,, p. 29-32
Paper i proceeding

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