Joel Scheuner

Showing 16 publications


TriggerBench: A Performance Benchmark for Serverless Function Triggers

Joel Scheuner, Marcus Bertilsson, Oskar Grönqvist et al
Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, IC2E 2022, p. 96-103
Paper in proceeding

The State of Serverless Applications: Collection, Characterization, and Community Consensus

Simon Eismann, Joel Scheuner, Erwin Van Eyk et al
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Vol. 48 (10), p. 4152-4166
Journal article

CrossFit: Fine-grained Benchmarking of Serverless Application Performance across Cloud Providers

Joel Scheuner, Rui Deng, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer et al
Proceedings - 2022 IEEE/ACM 15th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, UCC 2022, p. 51-60
Paper in proceeding

Fusionize: Improving Serverless Application Performance through Feedback-Driven Function Fusion

Trever Schirmer, Joel Scheuner, Tobias Pfandzelter et al
Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, IC2E 2022, p. 85-95
Paper in proceeding

(Research) Insights for Serverless Application Engineering

Jeffrey C. Carver, Birgit Penzenstadler, Joel Scheuner et al
IEEE Software. Vol. 38 (1), p. 123-125
Journal article

Serverless Applications: Why, When, and How?

Simon Eismann, Joel Scheuner, Erwin Van Eyk et al
IEEE Software. Vol. 38 (1), p. 32-39
Journal article

Function-as-a-Service Performance Evaluation: A Multivocal Literature Review

Joel Scheuner, Philipp Leitner
Journal of Systems and Software. Vol. 170
Journal article

Beyond Microbenchmarks: The SPEC-RG Vision for a Comprehensive Serverless Benchmark

Erwin van Eyk, Joel Scheuner, Simon Eisman et al
Companion of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, p. 26-31
Paper in proceeding

Performance Benchmarking of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Clouds with CloudWorkBench

Joel Scheuner, Philipp Leitner
ICPE 2019 - Companion of the 2019 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, p. 53-56
Paper in proceeding

Performance Benchmarking of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Clouds with Cloud WorkBench (Tutorial)

Joel Scheuner, Philipp Leitner
2019 IEEE 4th International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W). Vol. June 2019, p. 257-258
Paper in proceeding

Transpiling Applications into Optimized Serverless Orchestrations

Joel Scheuner, Philipp Leitner
Proceedings - 2019 IEEE 4th International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems, FAS*W 2019. Vol. June 2019, p. 72-73
Paper in proceeding

Software Microbenchmarking in the Cloud. How Bad is it Really?

Christoph Laaber, Joel Scheuner, Philipp Leitner
Empirical Software Engineering. Vol. 24 (4), p. 2469-2508
Journal article

Estimating Cloud Application Performance Based on Micro-Benchmark Profiling

Joel Scheuner, Philipp Leitner
2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). Vol. 2018-July, p. 90-97
Paper in proceeding

A Cloud Benchmark Suite Combining Micro and Applications Benchmarks

Joel Scheuner, Philipp Leitner
ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering Companion, p. 161-166
Paper in proceeding

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