Seyed Morteza Mousavi

Doctor at Fluid Dynamics

  • I do research on numerical modelling of combustion and emissions in internal combustion engines (ICEs). My research involves 1D and CFD simulations of engines running on sustainable and CO2-neutral fuels such as Hydrogen or Methanol.

Image of Seyed Morteza Mousavi

Showing 3 publications


Dependence of Zel’dovich number on pressure and temperature in lean hydrogen-air mixtures

Seyed Morteza Mousavi, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 40 (1-4)
Journal article

Experimental study of the influence of Lewis number, laminar flame thickness, temperature, and pressure on turbulent flame speed using hydrogen and methane fuels

H.-Y. Hsieh, Seyed Morteza Mousavi, Andrei Lipatnikov et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 40 (1-4)
Journal article

Are differential diffusion effects of importance when burning hydrogen under elevated pressures and temperatures?

Seyed Morteza Mousavi, Andrei Lipatnikov
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 49 (B), p. 1048-1058
Journal article

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