Fiona Schulz

Showing 7 publications


Gamma prime formation in nickel-based superalloy IN738LC manufactured by laser powder bed fusion

Fiona Schulz, Kristina Lindgren, Jinghao Xu et al
Materials Today Communications. Vol. 38
Journal article

On the effect of building platform material on laser-powder bed fusion of a Ni-base superalloy HAYNES® 282®

Abdul Shaafi Shaikh, Fiona Schulz, Kevin Minet-Lallemand et al
European Journal of Materials. Vol. 3 (1)
Journal article

On the role of Zr and B addition on solidification cracking of IN738LC produced by laser powder bed fusion

Kristina Lindgren, Fiona Schulz, Hans Gruber et al
Materialia. Vol. 26
Journal article

Increasing productivity of laser powder bed fusion manufactured Hastelloy X through modification of process parameters

Claudia de Andrade Schwerz, Fiona Schulz, Elanghovan Natesan et al
Journal of Manufacturing Processes. Vol. 78, p. 231-241
Journal article

Microstructure and mechanical properties of Haynes 282 superalloy produced by laser powder bed fusion

Abdul Shaafi Shaikh, Fiona Schulz, Kevin Minet-Lallemand et al
Materials Today Communications. Vol. 26
Journal article

The role of microstructural characteristics of additively manufactured Alloy 718 on tool wear in machining

Amir Malakizadi, Tina Hajali, Fiona Schulz et al
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. Vol. 171
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


Demonstration of Infrastructure for Digitalization enabling industrialization of Additive Manufacturing (DiDAM)

Ola Isaksson Product Development
Olivia Borgue Product Development
Lars Nyborg Materials and manufacture
Massimo Panarotto Product Development
Lars Almefelt Product Development
Tina Hajali Product Development
Adam Mallalieu Product Development
Fiona Schulz Materials and manufacture

4 publications exist

Additive Manufacturing using Metal Pilot Line (MANUELA)

Abdul Shaafi Shaikh Materials and manufacture
Fiona Schulz Materials and manufacture
Lars Nyborg Industrial and Materials Science
Terpsithea Ketegeni Chalmers, Research support
Claudia de Andrade Schwerz Materials and manufacture
European Commission (EC)

18 publications exist
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